mscorlib.dll中和放大器; System.dll中放大器、mscorlib、dll、System

由网友(爱的卑微)分享简介:为什么MS最初作出维持这两个单独的核心库的决定吗?也许他们脑子里想一些扩展性的问题,但现在我从来没有看到任何类型的,不需要两者的应用程序。没有人对此有什么内幕消息?这不是真的很重要,但一直在我的脑海里好几年了。Why did MS originally make the decision to maintain th...


Why did MS originally make the decision to maintain these two separate core libs? Maybe they had some scalability issue in mind, but nowadays I never see an application, of any type, that doesn't need both. Does anyone have any inside information on this? It's not really important, but been on my mind for years.

PS。我知道什么是在这两个库,我知道其中的差别 - 我的反射 :)一个大风扇只是想知道实际使用两个分离了。

PS. I know what's in the two libs, I know the difference - I'm a big fan of Reflector :) Just wondering what practical use the separation of the two has.




Amongst other things it contains the System.Object implementation, which must always be present in order for everything to work.


It has the distinction of being the only assembly that the CLR requires to be loaded inside every managed process.


Originally, a lot of "optional" stuff (things that technically aren't required to run an app) was put into mscorlib because they were things that were highly likely to be used by everybody. This includes things like HashTable and List.


This gave a perf boost. If everybody is going to want to use something, then it makes sense to put it inside the assembly that everybody has to load. Then you don't have to waste time going and binding a whole bunch of different assemblies.


The stuff in system.dll was basically everything that wasn't "worthy" of being included in mscorlib.


This trend, however, is starting to be reversed. The CLR is making efforts to reduce the size of mscorlib. A lot of stuff was removed for Silverlight for example (to reduce download size).


I think they might be doing more of this kind of stuff for V4 (and later versions) but I'm not sure about the details.


