通过在所有端口C#.NET错误的GMail SMTP端口、错误、SMTP、NET



I've been trying for a whlie on this, and have so far been failing miserably. My most recent attempt was lifted from this stack code here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704636/sending-email-through-gmail-smtp-server-with-c, but I've tried all the syntax I could find here on stack and elsewhere. My code currently is:

var client = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
    Credentials = new NetworkCredential("me@gmail.com", "mypass"),
    EnableSsl = true

client.Send("me@gmail.com","me@gmail.com","Test", "test message");


Running that code gives me an immediate exception "Failure sending mail" that has an innerexeption "unable to connect to the remote server".


If I change the port to 465 (as gmail docs suggest), I get a timeout every time.

我读过,465不是一个好的端口来使用,所以我不知道这笔交易是W / 587给我连接失败。我的用户和传球是正确的。我读过,我必须有POP服务安装在我的Gmail帐户,所以我做到了这一点。没有结果。

I've read that 465 isn't a good port to use, so I'm wondering what the deal is w/ 587 giving me failure to connect. My user and pass are right. I've read that I have to have POP service setup on my gmail account, so I did that. No avail.


I was originally trying to get this working for my branded GMail account, but after running into the same problems w/ that I thought going w/ my regular gmail account would be easier... so far that's not the case.

感谢您的帮助。 保



I tried your code, and it works prefectly with port 587, but not with 465.

你检查的防火墙?在命令行的Telnet smtp.gmail.com 587尝试 如果你得到220 mx.google.com ESMTP ......后面的话,端口是开放的。如果不是,它是你调用块的东西。

Have you checked the fire wall? Try from the command line "Telnet smtp.gmail.com 587" If you get "220 mx.google.com ESMTP...." back, then the port is open. If not, it is something that blocks you call.



