
由网友(回忆说、让我忘了你)分享简介:我想平滑地插入颜色从颜色A(姑且称之为红)为颜色C(我们称之为绿色)经过彩色B(姑且称之为黄色),基于一定的变量的值。I would like to smoothly interpolate color from Color A (let's call it red) to Color C (let's call i...


I would like to smoothly interpolate color from Color A (let's call it red) to Color C (let's call it green) going through color B (let's call it yellow), based on the value of a certain variable.

如果变量= 100,我要纯绿色。 如果变量= 50,我想纯黄色。 如果变量= 0,我想纯红。

If the variable = 100, I want pure green. If the variable = 50, I want pure yellow. If the variable = 0, I want pure red.


I understand you can treat each RGB triplet as a coordinate in 3-dimensional space. What I'm looking for is a quick-and-dirty linear interpolation trick that works cleanly with the specific layout of the .NET Color type (separate values for ARGB etc).



First, you ask for linear interpolation but you don't specify that color B lives on the line between color A and color C; this is necessary. Second, you didn't specify but I am going to make a simplifying assumption that color B is the midpoint of the line between color A and color C; the following code is easily modified if this is not true. Lastly, I changed your assumption that the parameter be an integer between zero and one-hundred to be a double between zero and one. The code is easier to write and easier to understand in the latter case, and can still be used with the former (divide your inputs by one-hundred).

class ColorInterpolator {
    delegate byte ComponentSelector(Color color);
    static ComponentSelector _redSelector = color => color.R;
    static ComponentSelector _greenSelector = color => color.G;
    static ComponentSelector _blueSelector = color => color.B;

    public static Color InterpolateBetween(
        Color endPoint1,
        Color endPoint2,
        double lambda) {
        if (lambda < 0 || lambda > 1) {
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lambda");
        Color color = Color.FromRgb(
            InterpolateComponent(endPoint1, endPoint2, lambda, _redSelector),
            InterpolateComponent(endPoint1, endPoint2, lambda, _greenSelector),
            InterpolateComponent(endPoint1, endPoint2, lambda, _blueSelector)

        return color;

    static byte InterpolateComponent(
        Color endPoint1,
        Color endPoint2,
        double lambda,
        ComponentSelector selector) {
        return (byte)(selector(endPoint1)
            + (selector(endPoint2) - selector(endPoint1)) * lambda);

您如何修改这个,如果彩色B不是颜色A和颜色C之间的中点?最简单的方法如下。如果参数(我称之为的λ)小于 0.5 ,乘拉姆达由两个并返回色彩A和色彩B之间的插值颜色。如果参数大于 0.5 ,乘拉姆达由两减一(此地图 [0.5,1] [0,1] ),并返回彩色B超和彩色C之间的插值颜色。

How do you modify this if color B is not the midpoint between color A and color C? The easiest way is the following. If the parameter (what I call "lambda") is less than 0.5, multiply lambda by two and return the interpolated color between color A and color B. If the parameter is greater than 0.5, multiply lambda by two and subtract one (this maps [0.5, 1] onto [0, 1]) and return the interpolated color between color B and color C.


If you don't like the requirement that color B live on the line between color A and color C, then you can use exactly the modification that I just described to do a piecewise-linear interpolation between the colors.

最后,你并没有说明,如果你想插(以ARGB的A),即所谓的α值。上述code很容易修改,以处理这种情况了。再添加一个与ComponentSelector 定义为颜色=&GT; color.A ,使用 InterpolateComponent 来插值此值,并使用的 Col​​or.FromArgb(INT,INT,INT,INT) 中的 Col​​or.FromArgb

Finally, you did not specify if you want to interpolate the so-called alpha value (the 'A' in "ARGB"). The above code is easily modified to handle this situation too. Add one more ComponentSelector defined as color => color.A, use InterpolateComponent to interpolate this value and use the Color.FromArgb(int, int, int, int) overload of Color.FromArgb.


