问题读取验证使用WSSecurityTokenSerializer SAML断言在.net断言、问题、SAML、WSSecurityTokenSerializer

由网友(吢丕)分享简介:我有,我希望在.NET中使用来验证SAML断言 WSSecurityTokenSerializer 。I have a SAML assertion that I wish to authenticate in .Net using WSSecurityTokenSerializer.我已经拿到了钥匙链和SAML...

我有,我希望在.NET中使用来验证SAML断言 WSSecurityTokenSerializer

I have a SAML assertion that I wish to authenticate in .Net using WSSecurityTokenSerializer.

我已经拿到了钥匙链和SAML XML,尽管几个问题。

I've got the key-chain and SAML XML, despite a few issues.


First I get the SAML assertion from the HTTPS POST:

// spec says "SAMLResponse=" 
string rawSamlData = Request["SAMLResponse"];

// read the base64 encoded bytes
byte[] samlData = Convert.FromBase64String(rawSamlData);

// read back into a UTF string
string samlAssertion = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(samlData);

// get the SAML data in an XML reader
var assertionPostStream = new StringReader(samlAssertion);
var reader = XmlReader.Create(assertionPostStream);


Then I get the keys provided by my IdP:

// get the key data
byte[] certificateData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("myKeys.p7b");

// decode the keys
var cms = new SignedCms(SubjectIdentifierType.IssuerAndSerialNumber);

// we have a keychain of X509Certificate2s, we need a collection of tokens
var certificatesAsTokens =
    from X509Certificate2 cert in cms.Certificates
    select new X509SecurityToken(cert) as SecurityToken;

// get a token resolver
var tokens = new ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityToken>(
var resolver = SecurityTokenResolver.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenResolver(
    tokens, true);


Finally I get an error thrown here:

// use the WS Security stuff to parse the reader
var securityToken = WSSecurityTokenSerializer.
    DefaultInstance.ReadToken(reader, resolver) as SamlSecurityToken;

在调用该 ReadToken 我收到以下错误:

When calling that ReadToken I get the following error:


Cannot read the token from the 'Response' element with the 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol' namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a '' ValueType. If this element is expected to be valid, ensure that security is configured to consume tokens with the name, namespace and value type specified.


My SAML XML starts with:

<Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ...


So clearly I have a Response element in the urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol namespace.


Any idea what's wrong/missing here?


它看起来像你收到SAML2响应。虽然对SAML2支持.NET 4.5,但遗憾的是只为断言支持 - 而不是协议本身(包括响应消息)

It looks like you are receiving a SAML2 response. Although there is support for SAML2 in .NET 4.5, there is unfortunately only support for the assertions - not the protocol itself (including the Response message).


To process the SAML2 response in .NET you have to:

验证在整个响应消息的签名。 提取消息的声明部分。 阅读与 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.ReadToken令牌()。 验证与令牌 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.DetectReplayedToken()。 验证与令牌 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.ValidateConditions() 使用 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.CreateClaims()以创建一个声明身份。 Validate the signature on the entire response message. Extract the assertion part of the message. Read the token with Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.ReadToken(). Validate the token with Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.DetectReplayedToken(). Validate the token with Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.ValidateConditions() Use Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.CreateClaims() to create a claims identity.

不幸的是大多数的这些方法是受保护的,但你也可以继承 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler 键,可以访问它们。

Unfortunately most of those methods are protected, but you can subclass Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and get access to them.

一个完整的工作示例可以在 Saml2Response 在 Kentor.AuthServices 的项目。

A complete working example can be found in the Saml2Response class in the Kentor.AuthServices project.


