
由网友(45°仰望漫天烟火)分享简介:如何创建并写入到一个MonoTouch的iPhone应用程序的文件?How would I create and write to a file in a Monotouch iPhone app?该文件应该应用程序启动的坚持,所以我想它必须在应用程序包(文件或资源?)。The file should persi...


How would I create and write to a file in a Monotouch iPhone app?


The file should persist between application launches, so I guess it has to be placed somewhere in the App bundle ( documents or resources?).


[注意:我的反应是pretty的彻底的,因为我不知道你了解有关的应用程序包或水平你的iPhone应用程序的沙盒中的小世界的结构 - 道歉,如果我盖的东西你已经知道了 - 我preFER写的不是太少有点太多,并添加了一下的为什么的讨论时中的如何 ...]

[Note: My response is pretty thorough because I don't know your level of understanding regarding app bundles or the structure of your iPhone app's sandboxed little world - apologies if I cover things you already know - I prefer to write a little too much than too little, and to add a bit of the why when discussing the how...]


You have a few options (of course). I'm assuming you're already familiar with .Net to some extent and that your question is more about how to do this the iPhone Way.

每一个iPhone应用程序(你会看到同样的事情在OS X的应用程序)是一种捆绑,这是不是传统意义上的可执行文件,但实际上是一个文件夹层次结构,你的应用程序二进制的生活里(随着资源,设置等)。

Every iPhone app (and you'll see the same thing for apps on OS X) is a "bundle" which isn't an executable in the traditional sense, but actually a folder hierarchy inside of which your app binary lives (along with resources, settings, etc.).


Because of how uber-sandboxed iPhone apps are, you don't have access to the shared folders you'd usually be able to use when doing desktop development (having, for example, a common Documents folder that lives under a user's home folder to which applications have access).


Instead, your app has its own folder hierarchy that's like its own personal set of the folders that would typically be shared across apps.


The easiest way to see what your app's folder structure looks like on the phone is to look at the folder the iPhone simulator uses for app installs, settings, blah blah blah. On my machine (I don't recall if this is configurable, but it's probably the same on your system), you can get to the folder by this path:

〜/库/应用程序支持/ iPhone模拟器


Inside of that, there's a User/Applications folder that contains the apps you've installed to the simulator. Drill down into any one of those folders, and you can see the folder structure your app will have access to on the phone.


For storing files that you'd like persisted across app sessions, your app's Documents folder is the spot. It's not your only choice for creating files, but it's the right choice for this job. In addition to your files being properly stored, keeping them in the Documents folder will also get them backed up by iTunes when the user syncs.

使用MonoTouch的,你可以得到你的应用程序的文件与 Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)文件夹的路径;

With MonoTouch, you can get your app's Documents folder path with Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

如果你想测试一下,这是一些非常简单的code表示将编写一个名为out.txt到你的应用程序的文档文件夹中的文件。这code也读取文件的内容,以显示它的创建 - 为进一步核实,转到模拟器的应用程序文件夹中,他们被修改的日期应用程序文件夹进行排序,深入到最近修改,并期待里面的文档文件夹 - 你会发现out.txt(你找不到的名字您的应用程序的文件夹,因为,安装了您的应用程序时,它就会被塞进一个文件夹里面有一个名称,如2B3CA854-是fadb-4DDC- 9732-0E61B3DD8D8C - 由他们进行了修改,将指向你最近修改的应用程序,其中,在这种情况下,无论是应用程序包含以下code)该日期排序文件夹:

If you'd like to test it out, this is some extremely simple code that'll write a file called "out.txt" to your app's Documents folder. This code also reads the contents of the file to show it was created - for further verification, go to the simulator's Applications folder, sort the app folders by the date they were modified, drill down into the most recently modified, and look inside its Documents folder - you'll find "out.txt" (you can't find your app's folder by name because, when your app is installed, it gets stuffed inside a folder with a name like "2B3CA854-FADB-4DDC-9732-0E61B3DD8D8C" - sorting the folders by the date they were modified will point you to the most recently modified app, which, in this case, is whatever app contains the following code):

// For this to function, don't forget "using System.IO;"

// If you're just playing around with this to see it work, place it inside
// your AppDelegate's "FinishedLaunching" method in main.cs

string path = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
string filePath = Path.Combine(path, "out.txt");

// File.WriteAllText will create a file and then write text to it. If the
// file already exists, File.WriteAllText will overwrite it.
File.WriteAllText(filePath, "Howdy, world.");

// Now we prove it worked by reading the contents of the file and then
// printing them to the console...   
string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);


So, the only thing here that's really iPhone-specific is knowing that "Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal" maps to your app's Documents folder. Beyond that, it's .Net as usual.

和,同样,这可能是矫枉过正,但我​​想回答充分彻底地为大家谁看到它 - 希望这有助于:)

And, again, this was probably overkill, but I wanted to answer sufficiently thoroughly for everybody who sees it - hope this helps :)


