
由网友(被遗忘的记忆)分享简介:这是我的查询Here,没有人知道任何好的同伴code Review软件?我知道ç合作者智能熊 $ C $的(虽然是一个非常昂贵的选择),但任何人都可以建议他们使用任何工具? Following on from my query Here, does anyone know of any good Peer code...

这是我的查询Here,没有人知道任何好的同伴code Review软件?我知道ç合作者智能熊 $ C $的(虽然是一个非常昂贵的选择),但任何人都可以建议他们使用任何工具?

Following on from my query Here, does anyone know of any good Peer code review software? I am aware of Smart Bear's Code Collaborator (albeit a very expensive option) but can anyone recommend any tools that they use?


我们已经开始使用 Atlassian的坩埚。它是一个基于Web的工具,挂钩到你的资料库,并允许用户发表意见,并讨论对上code。我们喜欢它,因为它可以让我们的同行评审过程中要轻,重量或工艺严格,因为我们想要的。此外,我们的开发人员喜欢使用它。它的高度可配置的,允许审查前提交或等。如果你想的执行的code的评论后,你可能要玩的,比如,SVN挂钩或类似的东西。

We have started using Atlassian's Crucible. It is a web-based tool that hooks into your repository and allows you to comment and discuss right on the code. We like it because it allows our peer review process to be as light-weight or process strict as we want. Plus, our developers enjoy using it. It's highly configurable, allowing review before commit or after etc. If you wanted to enforce code reviews, you may have to play around with, for instance, SVN hooks or something similar.

我们评估木星,一个Eclipse插件 - 我之前已经使用同行审查软件的ClearCase / ClearQuest的。无论是特别IM pressive,虽然我没有像使用ClearCase / ClearQuest的你有一个强制性的pre-提交阶段,其中code是pre-提交,但必须通过code综述然后才能提交给中央存储库。这确实需要相当多的配置虽然。

We evaluated Jupiter, an Eclipse plug-in - and I have used peer review software for ClearCase/ClearQuest before. Neither were particularly impressive, though I did like that with ClearCase/ClearQuest you had a mandatory pre-commit phase where code was pre-submitted but had to pass code review before it could be submitted to the central repository. This does take quite a lot of configuration though.


For something really lightweight, you could submit text file reviews into your repository with line numbers to issues etc. Place them in a review specific folder and keep the review iteration going until all issues are dealt with.

坩埚使得很多的意义,如果你投资了其他一些Atlassian的产品 - 尤其是JIRA和放大器;鱼眼镜头 - 那么你有很大的权力,整合与您的生活问题,源头控制提交和审查的持续构建 - 为您提供了很多关于你的源所做的所有更改相关信息 - 允许您控制您的平台变化风险。

Crucible makes a lot of sense if you have invested in some other Atlassian products - especially JIRA & Fisheye - then you have a lot of power to integrate reviews with your live issues, source control commits and your continuous builds - giving you a lot of pertinent information on all changes made to your source - allowing you to control change risk in your platform.



