拖放一个DLL的GAC("装配")在Windows Server 2008的.NET 4.0拖放、GAC、QUOT、Windows

由网友(时间才是第三者ヽ)分享简介:我尝试部署约code到客户机,在这里我不想安装MS Windows的SDK工具。这意味着我没有获得GACUTIL。我也没有对我的code创建一个安装程序。看来,这可能是在.NET 4.0中仅有的两个选项。I've trying to deploy some code to a client machine, wher...

我尝试部署约code到客户机,在这里我不想安装MS Windows的SDK工具。这意味着我没有获得GACUTIL。我也没有对我的code创建一个安装程序。看来,这可能是在.NET 4.0中仅有的两个选项。

I've trying to deploy some code to a client machine, where i don't want to install MS windows SDK tools. This means i don't have access to "gacutil". I also have not created an installer for my code. It seems that these might be the only two options in .net 4.0.


In the past I would simply go to start, run, type "assembly", and drag and drop my dll in.


Is this no longer possible? When i try to do this i get no error message, but the dll doesn't appear in the "assembly" folder. When i use gacutil on my dev machine it works properly, but the dll still doesn't appear.


在.NET 4.0中移除微软只需拖放添加的DLL大会的能力。

In .net 4.0 Microsoft removed the ability to add DLLs to the Assembly simply by dragging and dropping.


Instead you need to use gacutil.exe, or create an installer to do it. Microsoft actually doesn’t recommend using gacutil, but I went that route anyway.

要在开发机器上使用GACUTIL去: 开始 - >项目 - >微软的Visual Studio 2010 - > Visual Studio工具 - > Visual Studio命令提示符(2010)

To use gacutil on a development machine go to: Start -> programs -> Microsoft Visual studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)

然后使用这些命令卸载并重新安装分别。注意我并没有包括 .DLL 在卸载命令。 GACUTIL / U MYDLL GACUTIL / IC: Program Files文件自定义 MYDLL.DLL

Then use these commands to uninstall and Reinstall respectively. Note I did NOT include .dll in the uninstall command. gacutil /u myDLL gacutil /i "C:Program FilesCustommyDLL.dll"

要非开发计算机上使用GACUTIL,你必须从你的dev的机器复制的可执行文件和配置文件的生产机器。它看起来像有几个不同的版本GACUTIL的。这为我工作的一个,我发现在这里: C: Program Files文件(x86)的微软的SDK 的Windows v7.0A BIN NETFX 4.0工具的Gacutil.exe C: Program Files文件(x86)的微软的SDK 的Windows v7.0A BIN NETFX 4.0工具 gacutil.exe.config

To use Gacutil on a non-development machine you will have to copy the executable and config file from your dev machine to the production machine. It looks like there are a few different versions of Gacutil. The one that worked for me, I found here: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ABinNETFX 4.0 Toolsgacutil.exe C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ABinNETFX 4.0 Toolsgacutil.exe.config

在这里或到相应的.NET文件夹中复制文件; C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET 框架 v4.0.30319

Copy the files here or to the appropriate .net folder; C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319

然后使用这些命令卸载并重新安装分别 C:用户 BHJeremy 桌面在.NET 4.0中的Gacutil.exe安装到GAC/ UMYDLL

Then use these commands to uninstall and reinstall respectively "C:UsersBHJeremyDesktopInstalling to the Gac in .net 4.0gacutil.exe" /u "myDLL"

C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET 框架 v4.0.30319 的Gacutil.exe/ IC: Program Files文件自定义 MYDLL.DLL


