
由网友(无人完美)分享简介:我试图在C#实现生产者/消费者模式。我有一个消费者线程监视共享队列和生产者线程放置物品到共享队列。生产者线程订阅接收数据...也就是说,它有一个事件处理程序,只是坐在那里,等待一个昂达触发事件,(数据是从第三方的API发送)。当它得到的数据,它坚持它在队列所以消费者可以处理它。 I have attempted to...


I have attempted to implement a producer/consumer pattern in c#. I have a consumer thread that monitors a shared queue, and a producer thread that places items onto the shared queue. The producer thread is subscribed to receive data...that is, it has an event handler, and just sits around and waits for an OnData event to fire (the data is being sent from a 3rd party api). When it gets the data, it sticks it on the queue so the consumer can handle it.


When the OnData event does fire in the producer, I had expected it to be handled by my producer thread. But that doesn't seem to be what is happening. The OnData event seems as if it's being handled on a new thread instead! Is this how .net always works...events are handled on their own thread? Can I control what thread will handle events when they're raised? What if hundreds of events are raised near-simultaneously...would each have its own thread?



After re-reading the question, I think I understand the problem now. You've basically got something like this:

class Producer
    public Producer(ExternalSource src)
        src.OnData += externalSource_OnData;

    private void externalSource_OnData(object sender, ExternalSourceDataEventArgs e)
        // put e.Data onto the queue

和那么你已经有了一个消费者线程,拉东西了该队列。问题是,昂达事件是由你的 ExternalSource 目标射击 - 在任何线程它正好运行在

And then you've got a consumer thread that pulls stuff off that queue. The problem is that the OnData event is fired by your ExternalSource object - on whatever thread it happens to be running on.


C# events are basically just an easy-to-use collection of delegates and "firing" an event just causes the runtime to loop through all of the delegates and fire them one at a time.

所以,你的昂达事件处理函数获取调用对任何线程的 ExternalSource 正在运行。

So your OnData event handler is getting called on whatever thread the ExternalSource is running on.


