
由网友(習慣了孤單)分享简介:我在写内部使用我公司将使用国际奥委会通过依赖注入了新的.NET库。当然,这个库将是更容易使用,如果我们使用IoC容器来解决实例。I'm writing a new .NET library for internal use at my company that will use IoC through Depende...


I'm writing a new .NET library for internal use at my company that will use IoC through Dependency Injection. Naturally, this library will be much easier to use if we use an IoC Container to resolve instances.


However, the code that will be making calls into this library does NOT currently use Dependency Injection of any sort, and refactoring the legacy code to use DI is out of scope for my project. So, what's the best way to start using a Container in this legacy code to get instances from my new library?


If possible, I'd like to keep from littering said legacy code with hard references to whichever IoC container I choose. Since I'm relatively new to DI, it's somewhat likely that we'll change our mind on which Container we want to use at some point.

如果我换的东西像 CommonServiceLocator 在codePLEX库我的容器,这将是一个合理的进场?

If I wrap my container in something like the CommonServiceLocator library on CodePlex, would that be a reasonable approach?




You can use a facade / proxy pattern to hide the DI Container from your legacy container. You are essentially hardwiring your legacy to a custom class that you implement which will know about the DI container. Now if you modify your DI you update your facades not your legacy code.


I've not done a lot of research into Common Service Locator but it's premise might be a good solution. You might want to tie your facade to the CSL, this will hide the DI concept completly from your legacy code.


