FileSystemWatcher的 - 只有改变事件一次射击一次?事件、FileSystemWatcher

由网友(笑尽往事)分享简介:我用下面的code监听文件我下载关闭服务器和开放的变化事件。但是改变事件只被炒鱿鱼的第一次保存文件,然后在随后的保存文件观察者不火的更改事件?I'm using the below code to listen for change events of a file i download off a server a...


I'm using the below code to listen for change events of a file i download off a server and open. however the change event only gets fired the first time the file is saved, then on subsequent saves the file watcher does not fire the change events?


Can anyone see whats going on?

private FileSystemWatcher StartWatchingFile()
	fw = new FileSystemWatcher();
	fw.Path = this.directoryLocation;
	fw.Filter = this.Filename;

	fw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;

	// Add event handler
	fw.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(fw_Changed);

	// Open file		

	// Begin watching.
	fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

	return fw;


	void fw_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
		MessageBox.Show("File: " + e.FullPath + " " + e.ChangeType);


The StartWatchingFile() now returns the filewatcher which is kept in a class that will not be garbage collected, just to make sure i'm holding the whole class as thought the fw_changed() function might not be able to be called. So the whole class is now not getting garbage collectioned. The class is held in a ArrayList which is a public member of a class





I'm sorry I can't answer your question specifically. In general, I'll contribute that, if you use it enough, you'll learn that FileSystemWatcher is not reliable. Microsoft Connect shows multiple problems with it. I agree with Jason Jackson's take on FileSystemWatcher.


