
由网友(小饼干)分享简介:没有人知道如何检查,如果一个文件或目录可以是一个符号链接 结点 挂载点或硬链接 does anyone know how to check if a file or directory is either a Symbolic Link, Junction Point, Mount Point or Hard Lin...

没有人知道如何检查,如果一个文件或目录可以是一个符号链接 结点 挂载点或硬链接

does anyone know how to check if a file or directory is either a Symbolic Link, Junction Point, Mount Point or Hard Link?

据我知道一个符号链接是通过检查它的ReparsePoint属性的文件进行检测。 结点通过检查ReparsePoint属性的目录检测。因此,如果ReparsePoint属性被设置在一个文件时,它必须是一个符号链接,否则,如果它在一个目录设置它只能是一个结点,对吧?

As far as I know a symbolic links are detected by checking a file for its "ReparsePoint" attribute. Junction points are detected by checking a directory for the "ReparsePoint" attribute. So if the "ReparsePoint" attribute is set on a file it must be a symbolic link, otherwise if it's set on a directory it can only be a junction point...right?

好为止,但我还是不知道如何检测挂载点和硬链接。 谁能告诉我如何做到这一点?

Good so far, but I have still no idea how to detect "Mount Points" and "Hard Links". Can anyone tell me how to do this?



Symbolic Links, Junction Points, and Mount Points are all examples of different reparse points. Hard Links, however, are just regular files. On NTFS all files are hard links. You can detect that a file has multiple hard links pointing to it, but there's no "real file" that it points to. You can think of hard links as just different names for the same file.


Here's some information on accessing reparse points from C#: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista/ReparsePointID.aspx?display=Print

下面是关于如何做到这一点在C中的一些信息: http://blog.kalmbach-software.de/2008 / 02 /

Here's some information on how to do it in C: http://blog.kalmbach-software.de/2008/02/


