在.NET / SQL Server的连接池?连接池、NET、SQL、Server

由网友(血屠杀手)分享简介:是否有必要或有利与SQL Server数据库开发.NET应用程序时,编写自定义连接池code?我知道,ADO.NET让您选择启用/禁用连接池 - 这是否意味着它是建立在框架,我并不需要担心吗?为什么人们谈论自己编写连接池软件,以及如何比什么内置到ADO.NET这有什么不同?Is it necessary or adv...

是否有必要或有利与SQL Server数据库开发.NET应用程序时,编写自定义连接池code?我知道,ADO.NET让您选择启用/禁用连接池 - 这是否意味着它是建立在框架,我并不需要担心吗?为什么人们谈论自己编写连接池软件,以及如何比什么内置到ADO.NET这有什么不同?

Is it necessary or advantageous to write custom connection pooling code when developing applications in .NET with an SQL Server database? I know that ADO.NET gives you the option to enable/disable connection pooling -- does that mean that it's built into the framework and I don't need to worry about it? Why do people talk about writing their own connection pooling software and how is this different than what's built into ADO.NET?



The connection pooling built-in to ADO.Net is robust and mature. I would recommend against attempting to write your own version.


