的WinForms RichTextBox的:如何重新格式化异步,兵不血刃TextChanged事件兵不血刃、事件、WinForms、RichTextBox

由网友(懦弱给谁看゛)分享简介:这是一个随访,以WinForms RichTextBox的:如何在框TextChanged进行格式化 This is a followup toWinForms RichTextBox: how to perform a formatting on TextChanged?我有一个WinForms应用程序有一个...

这是一个随访,以 WinForms RichTextBox的:如何在框TextChanged进行格式化

This is a followup to WinForms RichTextBox: how to perform a formatting on TextChanged?

我有一个WinForms应用程序有一个RichTextBox,应用程序自动精彩的内容表示框。因为格式化可能需要较长时间的大文件,10秒或更长,我已经设置了一个BackgroundWorker做了重新格式化一个RichTextBox的。 它遍历文本,并进行了一系列的这些:

I have a Winforms app with a RichTextBox, the app auto-highlights the content of said box. Because the formatting can take a long time for a large document, 10 seconds or more, I've set up a BackgroundWorker to do the re-formatting of a RichTextBox. It walks through the text and performs a series of these:

rtb.Select(start, length);
rtb.SelectionColor = color;


While it is doing this, the UI remains responsive.


The BackgroundWorker is kicked off from the TextChanged event. like this:

private ManualResetEvent wantFormat = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private void richTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    xpathDoc = null;
    nav = null;
    _lastChangeInText = System.DateTime.Now;
    if (this.richTextBox1.Text.Length == 0) return;


The background worker method looks like this:

private void DoBackgroundColorizing(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

        while (moreToRead())
            rtb.Invoke(new Action<int,int,Color>(this.SetTextColor,
                      new object[] { start, length, color} ) ;

    } while (true);

private void SetTextColor(int start, int length, System.Drawing.Color color)
   rtb.Select(start, length);
   rtb.SelectionColor= color;


But, every assignment to SelectionColor causes the TextChanged event to fire: An endless loop.



I could also solve this if I could detect a text content change independently of a text format change.



The approach I took was to run the formatter logic in a BackgroundWorker. I chose this because the format would take a "long" time, more than 1 second or two, so I couldn't do it on the UI thread.


Just to restate the problem: every call made by the BackgroundWorker to the setter on RichTextBox.SelectionColor fired the TextChanged event again, which would start the BG thread all over again. Within the TextChanged event, I could find no way to distinguish a "user has typed something" event from a "program has formatted the text" event. So you can see it would be an infinite progression of changes.


一个常用的方法(as由Eric )建议是禁用的文字改变事件处理的文本更改处理程序中运行时。但当然,这不会对我的情况下工作,因为正在通过的背景的线程生成的文本改变(selectionColor设置的变化)。他们没有被文字处理程序变化的范围之内进行。因此,简单的方法来过滤用户发起的事件不会对我的情况,其中一个后台线程正在修改工作。

A common approach (as suggested by Eric) is to "disable" text change event handling while running within the text change handler. But of course this won't work for my case, because the text changes (SelectionColor changes) are being generated by a background thread. They are not being performed within the scope of a text change handler. So the simple approach to filtering user-initiated events will not work for my case, where a background thread is making changes.



I tried using the RichTextBox.Text.Length as a way to distinguish the changes in the richtextbox originating from my formatter thread from the changes in the richtextbox made by the user. If the Length had not changed, I reasoned, then the change was a format change done by my code, and not a user edit. But retrieving the RichTextBox.Text property is expensive, and doing that for every TextChange event made the entire UI unacceptably slow. Even if this was fast enough, it doesn't work in the general case, because users make format changes, too. And, a user edit might produce the same length text, if it was a typeover sort of operation.

我希望捕获和处理的TextChange事件仅检测变化从用户发起。因为我不能这样做,我改变了应用程序使用密钥preSS事件和粘贴事件。因此,我现在不明白虚假TextChange事件,由于格式更改(如RichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Blue)。

I was hoping to catch and handle the TextChange event ONLY to detect changes originating from the user. Since I couldn't do that, I changed the app to use the KeyPress event and the Paste event. As a result I now don't get spurious TextChange events due to formatting changes (like RichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Blue).



OK, I've got a thread running that can do formatting changes. Conceptually, it does this:

while (forever)
    wait for the signal to start formatting
    for each line in the richtextbox 
        format it


How can I tell the BG thread to start formatting?

我用了一个 ManualResetEvent的。当检测到密钥preSS的,关键preSS处理器设置该事件(打开它)。后台工作人员正在等待同样的事件。当它被接通时,对BG螺纹将其关闭,并开始格式化。

I used a ManualResetEvent. When a KeyPress is detected, the keypress handler sets that event (turns it ON). The background worker is waiting on the same event. When it is turned on, the BG thread turns it off, and begins formatting.


But what if the BG worker is already formatting? In that case, a new keypress may have changed the content of the textbox, and any formatting done so far may now be invalid, so the formatting must be restarted. What I really want for the formatter thread is something like this:

while (forever)
    wait for the signal to start formatting
    for each line in the richtextbox 
        format it
        check if we should stop and restart formatting


With this logic, when the ManualResetEvent is set (turned on), the formatter thread detects that, and resets it (Turns it off), and begins formatting. It walks through the text and decides how to format it. Periodically the formatter thread checks the ManualResetEvent again. If another keypress event occurs during formatting, then the event again goes to a signalled state. When the formatter sees that it's re-signalled, the formatter bails out and starts formatting again from the beginning of the text, like Sisyphus. A more intelligent mechanism would restart formatting from the point in the document where the change occurred.


另一种扭曲:我不想格式化开始其格式工作的马上的每关键preSS。作为人的类型,击键之间的正常暂停小于600-700ms。如果格式化开始没有延迟的格式,那么它会尝试开始按键之间的格式。 pretty的毫无意义的。

Another twist: I don't want the formatter to begin its formatting work immediately with every KeyPress. As a human types, the normal pause between keystrokes is less than 600-700ms. If the formatter starts formatting without a delay, then it will try to begin formatting between keystrokes. Pretty pointless.


So the formatter logic only begins to do its formatting work if it detects a pause in keystrokes of longer than 600ms. After receiving the signal, it waits 600ms, and if there have been no intervening keypresses, then the typing has stopped and the formatting should start. If there has been an intervening change, then the formatter does nothing, concluding that the user is still typing. In code:

private System.Threading.ManualResetEvent wantFormat = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);


The keypress event:

private void richTextBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    _lastRtbKeyPress = System.DateTime.Now;


In the colorizer method, which runs in the background thread:


        // We want a re-format, but let's make sure 
        // the user is no longer typing...
        if (_lastRtbKeyPress != _originDateTime)
            System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
            var _delta = now - _lastRtbKeyPress;
            if (_delta < new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS))

        ...analyze document and apply updates...

        // during analysis, periodically check for new keypress events:
        if (wantFormat.WaitOne(0, false))


The user experience is that no formatting occurs while they are typing. Once typing pauses, formatting starts. If typing begins again, the formatting stops and waits again.


有一个最后的问题:格式化一个RichTextBox的文字需要调用的 RichTextBox.Select()的,这会导致的 RichTextBox的自动滚动选定的文本,当RichTextBox中具有焦点。由于格式是发生在同一时间的用户主要集中在控制,读,也许编辑文本,我需要一种方法来燮preSS滚动。我找不到使用RTB的公共接口的方式,以prevent滚动,虽然我确实发现很多人在intertubes问一下吧。一些试验后,我发现,使用Win32 的SendMessage()调用(从user32.dll中),发送 WM_SETREDRAW 前和选择后, (),可以prevent滚动在RichTextBox中调用选择时,()。

There was one final problem: formatting the text in a RichTextBox requires a call to RichTextBox.Select(), which causes the RichTextBox to automatically scroll to the text selected, when the RichTextBox has focus. Because the formatting is happening at the same time the user is focused in the control, reading and maybe editing the text, I needed a way to suppress the scrolling. I could not find a way to prevent scrolling using the public interface of RTB, although I did find many people in the intertubes asking about it. After some experimenting, I found that using the Win32 SendMessage() call (from user32.dll), sending WM_SETREDRAW before and after the Select(), can prevent the scroll in the RichTextBox when calling Select().

由于我是诉诸的PInvoke至prevent滚动,我也用在SendMessage函数的PInvoke获取或设置在文本框中选择或插入符号(的 EM_GETSEL 或的 EM_SETSEL ),并设置上的选择格式(的 EM_SETCHARFORMAT )。该PInvoke的方式结束了比使用管理界面稍快。

Because I was resorting to pinvoke to prevent the scrolling, I also used pinvoke on SendMessage to get or set the selection or caret in the textbox (EM_GETSEL or EM_SETSEL), and to set the formatting on the selection (EM_SETCHARFORMAT). The pinvoke approach ended up being slightly faster than using the managed interface.



And because preventing scrolling incurred some compute overhead, I decided to batch up the changes made to the document. Instead of highlighting one contiguous section or word, the logic keeps a list of highlight or format changes to make. Every so often, it applies maybe 30 changes at a time to the document. Then it clears the list and goes back to analyzing and queuing which format changes need to be made. It's fast enough that typing in the doc is not interrupted when applying these batches of changes.


The upshot is the document gets auto-formatted and colorized in discrete chunks, when no typing is happening. If enough time passes between user keypresses, the entire document will eventually get formatted. This is under 200ms for a 1k XML doc, maybe 2s for a 30k doc, or 10s for a 100k doc. If the user edits the document, then any formatting that was in progress is aborted, and the formatting starts all over again.



I am amazed that something as seemingly simple as formatting a richtextbox while the user types in it is so involved. But I couldn't come up with anything simpler that did not lock the text box, yet avoided the weird scrolling behavior.

您可以查看code 了解东西我上面描述。

You can view the code for the thing I described above.


