
由网友(她以命 i)分享简介:我一直在尝试从两个.NET的Windows发送消息窗体应用程序 WM_COPYDATA ,它的伟大工程。I have been experimenting with sending messages from two .NET Windows Forms applications using WM_COPYDATA,...

我一直在尝试从两个.NET的Windows发送消息窗体应用程序 WM_COPYDATA ,它的伟大工程。

I have been experimenting with sending messages from two .NET Windows Forms applications using WM_COPYDATA, and it works great.


I would like to know if that can be accomplished with console applications.

在所有的 SendMessage函数函数接受一个窗口句柄,我怎样才能得到一个控制台应用程序的窗口句柄?

After all the SendMessage function takes in a window handle, how can I get the window handle of a console application?

public static extern Int32 SendMessage(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lParam);


Also do I need to set up some kind of message loop in the console application to be able to receive messages?


最常见的 IPC 方法(除了 WM_COPYDATA )的内存映射文件和命名管道。我建议你​​检查了后者。

The most common IPC methods (aside from WM_COPYDATA) are memory-mapped files and named pipes. I suggest you check out the latter.

MSDN有命名管道通信的例子。具体来说,你需要使用类 NamedPipeServerStream NamedPipeClientStream ,它的行为在很大程度上就像普通的网络流一旦他们创建

MSDN has an example of named-pipe communication. Specifically the classes you need to use are NamedPipeServerStream and NamedPipeClientStream, which behave largely like ordinary network streams once they're created.


The nice thing is that it also works over a network, although you can obviously use it on a single machine as well.


Setting up an actual Windows message loop in a console application is complicated, to say the least. If you really need to do it, here's a rather long-winded article on the subject. I'd strongly recommend using named pipes instead if all you want to do is transfer data; if you don't actually need to handle standard Windows messages then this isn't going to be worth the effort.


