
由网友(红唇吞大枪)分享简介:我的工作记录仪软件在台式PC上的Windows XP / 7的作品。我希望能够通过色度键的方式来删除录制的视频背景。I am working on a recorder software for desktop PC that works on Windows XP/7. I would like to be ab...

我的工作记录仪软件在台式PC上的Windows XP / 7的作品。我希望能够通过色度键的方式来删除录制的视频背景。

I am working on a recorder software for desktop PC that works on Windows XP/7. I would like to be able to remove backgrounds from the recorded video by means of chroma keying.


Any info of such algorithms, complete libraries, open source projects? I need it to be accessible from c#, and preferably something that will run on GPUs (CUDA, pixel shaders, ...)


My video is accessible in RGB24 and YUY2 formats, so it would be great if such library will be able to handle those formats.


一个很好的出发点是研究提供了关于此的博客。色分离的方法描述有一个良好的基线算法。 但是,依靠单纯的颜色可能是次优的是某些情况下(高拍摄对象的移动,服装的色彩冲突等)。如果你想要的东西非常强大的,你需要开始寻找轮廓分割技术(又名主动轮廓的)。

A good starting point is to study the solution provided on this blog. The color separation approach described there is a good baseline algorithm. However, relying on color alone may be sub-optimal is some situations (high subject movement, clothing color conflicts etc.). If you want something very robust, you will need to start looking at contour segmentation techniques (a.k.a active contours).


