
由网友(人生若如初見)分享简介:(这个问题并不依赖于特定的IoC框架,所以我的样品中的接口和类型元类型,只要有合适的类型在你的头上你最喜欢的IoC框架取代他们。)(This question does not rely on a specific IoC framework, so the interfaces and types in my sa...


(This question does not rely on a specific IoC framework, so the interfaces and types in my samples are meta-types. Just replace them with the appropriate types for your favorite IoC framework in your head.)


In my main methods, I typically set up my container doing something like this:

static void Main()
    IInjector in = new Injector();

    // Run actual application
    App app = in.Resolve<App>();


My question is, how do you get the Injector sent around? I've normally just registered the injector with itself and had it injected into types that themselves are going to do injection, but I'm not sure if this is the proper "pattern".



You shouldn't pass the container around.

相反,你的入口点/主方法要求的容器,它需要上手的对象 - 比如你的应用程序对象/豆。容器然后返回连接到应用,它允许您运行 app.Run(),拥有完整的对象图所有的依赖性来满足。

Instead, your entry-point/main method asks the container for the objects it needs to get started - such as your App object/bean. The container then returns the full object graph connected to App, which allows you to run app.Run(), with all the dependencies satisfied.

这是一个有点反模式的对象,要注意容器的,或者是每个对象要求的容器,它的依赖 - 如果你这样做,那么你的没有的倒控制和你有什么不依赖注入 - 你仍然有对象,要求他们需要什么,而不是给予他们所需要的。

It's a bit of an anti-pattern for the objects to be aware of the container, or for each object to be asking the container for it's dependencies - if you do this then you have not inverted control and what you have is not dependency injection - you still have objects asking for what they need, rather than being given what they need.


