
由网友(孤心°)分享简介:我试图找到一种方法来确定从.NET应用程序中的任意文件夹中的总的和可用的磁盘空间。通过总磁盘空间和可用磁盘空间文件夹中的我指的是总的和可用的磁盘空间,如果你在它执行的目录命令,这个文件夹将报告,也就是完全和可用磁盘空间包含该文件夹,考虑到正在取得下请求的用户帐户的逻辑驱动器。I am trying to find a...


I am trying to find a way to determine the total and available disk space in an arbitrary folder from a .NET app. By "total disk space" and "available disk space" in a folder I refer to the total and available disk space that this folder would report if you performed a "dir" command on it, that is, the total and available disk space of the logical drive containing that folder, considering the user account under which the request is being made.


I am using C#. The method should work both for local and remote folders given as UNC paths (rather than accessed through mapped drive letters). For example, it should work for:

C: TEMP Silfen 资源 TEMP2


I am starting with a DirectoryInfo object, but this seems to have no associated disk space information. The DriveInfo class does, but it won't work with remote folders.


Edit. After some exchanges with you guys, I am considering mapping remote folders as local drives, using DriveInfo to obtain the data, and unmapping again. The problem with this approach is that my app needs to collect the data for over 120 folders a few times a day, every day. I am not sure this would be feasible.



如何这个使用了 System.IO.DriveInfo 类?


