
由网友(恰似一场梦)分享简介:我有一个非常类似的问题,以小巧玲珑点网"没有列名&QUOT ; ,但答案没有让我在哪里,我需要I have a very similar question to Dapper-dot-net "no column name", but the answer there is not getting me w...

我有一个非常类似的问题,以小巧玲珑点网"没有列名&QUOT ; ,但答案没有让我在哪里,我需要

I have a very similar question to Dapper-dot-net "no column name", but the answer there is not getting me where I need.

我正在写一个Web界面,并使用短小精悍得到来自我的客户的ERP系统存储过程数据。该SP返回的数据的4列不列名。话虽这么说SP的被锁定,我不能改变它们。 我试图解决这个通过使用临时表在我的查询作为萨姆建议。

I'm writing a web interface and using dapper to get data from Stored Procedures from my client's ERP system. The SP returns 4 columns of data without column names. That being said the SP's are locked and I can't change them. I've tried to work around this by using a temp table in my query as Sam suggested.

var grid = QueryMultiple(@"set nocount on 
declare @t table(Id int, Name nvarchar(max), AnotherId int)

insert @t
exec proc

set nocount off 
select Id, Name from @t
select Id, AnotherId from @t


However, I've now discovered the original SP also contains an insert for logging and therefore SQL will not allow me to insert my sp into a temp table because of this.


There is mention of adding support for:

class Foo { [ColumnNumber(1)] public string Name {get;set;} }


How can I do this? Can someone point me in the right direction to modify Dapper source to not require column names and allow me to map by column number?


不平凡的绑定问题不断上来;它想出了最近,大多数在这里: HTTP:/ /$c$c.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net/issues/detail?id=108

The issue of non-trivial bindings keeps coming up; it came up most recently here: http://code.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net/issues/detail?id=108


My suggestion there stands, although I haven't had time to code it yet. I propose a static event that you can choose to handle, and apply whatever esoteric mappings you want, i.e.

SqlMapper.ColumnBind += (sender, args) {
    int colIndex = args.ColumnIndex;
    Type type = args.TargetType;
    MemberInfo member = // ... Entirely up to you to define logic
    args.Member = member;


The above is entirely theoretical, but would it meet your needs?

请注意:如果 Col​​umnBind 没有订阅,它只是做普通的基本名称映射为正常。思考?

Note: if ColumnBind was not subscribed, it would just do normal basic name mapping as normal. Thoughts?


(note: it could also be a single event invoke per type, rather than per-column; that might be more efficient, as the subscriber will call GetProperties etc less often)


