
由网友(命硬)分享简介:我通过很多链接1 的。我是在C#检查作业状态链接能够打印文档,但我没有怎么弄支持它的地位?I went through many Link1 Links for checking Job Status in C#.I am able to Print a document but I did not get how...

我通过很多链接1 的。我是在C#检查作业状态链接能够打印文档,但我没有怎么弄支持它的地位?

I went through many Link1 Links for checking Job Status in C#.I am able to Print a document but I did not get how to get back its status?


I actually want to get confirmation from the printer whether the document was successfully printed or not. Moreover, I am also interested if I can get error signal from printer, like if paper is jammed.


I have the Printer Name and Document name which I am sending for Print.Has anybody done some RnD in this area or can guide me to some resource?

最良好的祝愿, 巴桑塔Padhi

Best Wishes, Basanta Padhi



there are samples online... google "sending PJL commands in c#" (PJL stands for printer job language)

$ C $的CProject 读取数据直接从打印机是一篇好文/样品下手

codeproject Reading Data Directly from the Printer is a nice article/sample to start with


