ASP.NET C#中复制目录与子目录与System.IO目录、与子、NET、ASP

由网友(納痛、依然猶存)分享简介:我需要复制整个目录C:\ x若要C:\ Y \ X,我需要的子文件夹复制以及。有没有什么办法与有System.IO.File \目录命名空间做呢?感谢所有帮助者!I need to copy a whole directory C:\X to C:\Y\X, and I need the sub-folders...

我需要复制整个目录C: x若要C: Y X,我需要的子文件夹复制以及。 有没有什么办法与有System.IO.File 目录命名空间做呢? 感谢所有帮助者!

I need to copy a whole directory C:X to C:YX, and I need the sub-folders to be copied as well. Is there any way to do it with the System.IO.FileDirectory namespaces ? Thanks for all helpers!


本课程将复制或移动文件夹,不递归调用。 该方法是用自己的堆栈来处理递归,这是为了避免 StackOverflowException

This class will copy or move a folder, without recursive calls. The methods is using their own stacks to handle recursion, this is to avoid StackOverflowException.

public static class CopyFolder
    public static void CopyDirectory(string source, string target)
        var stack = new Stack<Folders>();
        stack.Push(new Folders(source, target));

        while (stack.Count > 0)
            var folders = stack.Pop();
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folders.Source, "*.*"))
                string targetFile = Path.Combine(folders.Target, Path.GetFileName(file));
                if (File.Exists(targetFile)) File.Delete(targetFile);
                File.Copy(file, targetFile);

            foreach (var folder in Directory.GetDirectories(folders.Source))
                stack.Push(new Folders(folder, Path.Combine(folders.Target, Path.GetFileName(folder))));
    public static void MoveDirectory(string source, string target)
        var stack = new Stack<Folders>();
        stack.Push(new Folders(source, target));

        while (stack.Count > 0)
            var folders = stack.Pop();
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folders.Source, "*.*"))
                string targetFile = Path.Combine(folders.Target, Path.GetFileName(file));
                if (File.Exists(targetFile)) File.Delete(targetFile);
                File.Move(file, targetFile);

            foreach (var folder in Directory.GetDirectories(folders.Source))
                stack.Push(new Folders(folder, Path.Combine(folders.Target, Path.GetFileName(folder))));
        Directory.Delete(source, true);
    public class Folders
        public string Source { get; private set; }
        public string Target { get; private set; }

        public Folders(string source, string target)
            Source = source;
            Target = target;

