
由网友(狂是我的个性)分享简介:我有一个长时间运行的查询超时约48分钟后。I have a long running query that times out after about 48 minutes.的命令超时设定为2小时,连接超时设置为17分钟。The command time-out is set to 2 hours and the...


I have a long running query that times out after about 48 minutes.


The command time-out is set to 2 hours and the connection time-out is set to 17 minutes.

什么会导致查询,以提高超时? (我假设必须有别的东西,我已经忽略了?)

What would cause the query to raise a time-out? (I'm assuming there must be something else that I've overlooked?)

    A timeout has occured. If you were establishing a connection, increase Timeout value in ConnectionString. If you were executing a command, increase the CommandTimeout value in ConnectionString or in your NpgsqlCommand object.
       at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum(NpgsqlConnector context) in C:projectsNpgsql2srcNpgsqlNpgsqlState.cs:line 384
       at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.GetReader(CommandBehavior cb) in C:projectsNpgsql2srcNpgsqlNpgsqlCommand.cs:line 611
       at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cb) in C:projectsNpgsql2srcNpgsqlNpgsqlCommand.cs:line 591
       at Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) in C:projectsNpgsql2srcNpgsqlNpgsqlCommand.cs:line 538


的Postgres版本:8.3 NpgSql:


The postgres log shows the following "ERROR":

cancelling statement due to user request

昨晚的查询运行两次,在不同的时间不同的日期范围,两次失败与相同的错误,并运行相同的时间量之后 - 00:48:24.909 和00:48:24.936

The query ran twice last night at different times for different date ranges, both times it failed with the same error, and after running for the same amount of time - "00:48:24.909" and "00:48:24.936"


Also, previous queries have taken no longer than 00:47:40, so this suggests something else is causing the time-out at around 48 minutes.


I can't see anything in the postgres configuration file, is there anywhere else I could look?



It's a bug in Npgsql. I just verified it. It was fixed on 03/10/2013, but there hasn't been a stable release since then. As it currently stands you'll have to build from current sources to get around this.


It is caused by a combination of the fact that Socket.Poll() takes an Int32 microseconds argument, and by what appears to be a bug in Socket.Poll() itself.

首先,2个小时转换为-1,389,934,592微秒(7200秒* 1,000,000),该值的绝对值的大约是48分钟。

First, 2 hours converts to -1,389,934,592 microseconds (7200 seconds * 1,000,000), the absolute value of which is about 48 minutes.

二,的 Socket.Poll()文档状态:


set the microSeconds parameter to a negative integer if you would like to wait indefinitely for a response.


Instead, it appears to convert to the absolute value, about 48 minutes, so there's your odd but predictable timeout.


