反序列化JSON结果使用JSON和放大器; JavaScriptSerializer放大器、结果、序列化、JavaScriptSerializer

由网友(持之以恒)分享简介:下面是我的问题:我想反序列化JSON尚未完成由我。在JSON的格式如下:I'm trying to deserialize json that hasn't been done by me. The format of the json is as follows:{"responseId":1200,"ava...



I'm trying to deserialize json that hasn't been done by me. The format of the json is as follows:



getAvailableHotelResponse W /属性: hotelObj availableHotels INT totalFound 字符串responseId 字符串searchId getAvailableHotelResponse w/properties: hotelObj availableHotels int totalFound String responseId String searchId 宾馆酒店 进程ID 酒店code availabilityStatus ...


Therefore, what I know I can tell from looking at the json is that it contains information of a getAvailableHotelResponse object.

于是,我尝试以下使用 JsonConvert JavaScriptSerializer

So, I tried the following using JsonConvert and JavaScriptSerializer:

JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
getAvailableHotelResponse availableResponse = ser.Deserialize<getAvailableHotelResponse>(json);
// Exception: "Type 'com.hotelspro.api.getAvailableHotelResponse' is not supported for deserialization of an array"

List<getAvailableHotelResponse> items = ser.Deserialize<List<getAvailableHotelResponse>>(json);
// items.Count = 0

List<getAvailableHotelResponse> result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<getAvailableHotelResponse>>(json);
// Exception: "Cannot deserialize JSON object into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[com.hotelspro.api.getAvailableHotelResponse]'."

getAvailableHotelResponse result2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<getAvailableHotelResponse>(json);
// Exception: Cannot deserialize JSON array into type 'com.hotelspro.api.hotelObj'.


What's the correct sentence in order to deserialize this object?



这是很难跨preT的对象根据您的描述的结构,但我可以用下面的最小的$ C $反序列化样品JSON C:

It's difficult to interpret the structure of your objects based on your description but I was able to deserialize your sample JSON using the following minimal code:

var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<getAvailableHotelResponse>(json);

public class getAvailableHotelResponse
    public int responseId;
    public availableHotel[] availableHotels;
    public int totalFound;
    public string searchId;

public class availableHotel
    public string processId;
    public string hotelCode;
    public string availabilityStatus;

