
由网友(天空丶空白の空白丶天空)分享简介:在寻找的东西完全不同的一天,我偶然发现了两个库做流利验证在.NET。因为到目前为止,我做我的验证,使用常规的条件和分支语句的概念似乎有趣的(如果,否则,箱等)。While looking for something totally different the other day, I have stumbled u...

在寻找的东西完全不同的一天,我偶然发现了两个库做流利验证在.NET。 因为到目前为止,我做我的验证,使用常规的条件和分支语句的概念似乎有趣的(如果,否则,箱等)。

While looking for something totally different the other day, I have stumbled upon two libraries for doing Fluent Validation in .NET. The concept seems interesting since so far I am doing my validations using the usual conditional and branching statements (if, else, case, etc).


In particularly, it makes relatively easy to chain some conditions which could result in some cases in shorter code for complex conditions, and to embed several error messages for each violations in the same object.


That said, isn't it also making the code look more verbose than C# usually is, a bit like T-SQL can be at times... and doesn't this cause the code to have an inconsistent look and feel?

总之,你有什么感想流利验证的,如果你喜欢它,它库你有没有发现是最好的呢?到目前为止,我已经看 HTTP://tnvalidate.$c$cplex.com/ 并 HTTP://fluentvalidation.$c$cplex.com/ 这似乎更多或更少相当于在乍一看...

In short, what do you think of Fluent Validation and if you like it, which library have you found to be the best for it? So far, I have looking at http://tnvalidate.codeplex.com/ and http://fluentvalidation.codeplex.com/ which seem more or less equivalent at the first glance...




I'm using my own validation library that I've published here.


The difference with the two that you suggested is that the validations are put into separate validation classes. You can create and forget the validation classes, they are automatically discovered by the validation library.

public class MyModelValidator : FluentValidator<MyModel>
  public MyModelValidator()


It's also easy to add support for localizations using your very own favorite localization libray (such as a string table)

public class StringTableProvider : ILanguagePrompts
    public string this[string modelName, string propertyName]
        get { return Get(modelName, propertyName) ?? "[" + propertyName+ "]"; }

    public string Get(string modelName, string propertyName)
        return Resource1.ResourceManager.GetString(modelName + "_" + propertyName);


Validator.LanguageHandler = new StringTableProvider();


The actual validation is done like this:

User user = new User();
user.FirstName = "Jonas";

var errors = Validator.Validate(user);
if (errors.Count > 0)
    // Handle the errors in any way you like.
    // both property names (localized and actual property name) and localized error message is accessible.

