
由网友(追寻 Free)分享简介:如何创建标签的阵列使用Microsoft Visual C#防爆preSS版?有没有办法用图形(拖放)编辑器做,或我必须手动将其添加到自动生成的code?How to create array of labels with Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition ? Is there...

如何创建标签的阵列使用Microsoft Visual C#防爆preSS版?有没有办法用图形(拖放)编辑器做,或我必须手动将其添加到自动生成的code?

How to create array of labels with Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition ? Is there way to do it with graphical (drag'n'drop) editor or I have to manually add it to auto generated code ?


您必须手动添加。但不要把它添加到自动生成的code,因为它可以通过Visual Studio设计被覆盖。

You have to manually add it. But don't add it to auto generated code as it can be overwritten by Visual Studio designer.


I would add it in Load event handler for the form. The code can look like this:

Label[] labels = new Label[10];
labels[0] = new Label();
labels[0].Text = "blablabla";
labels[0].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 100);
labels[9] = new Label();


PS. Your task seems a little unusual to me. What do you want to do? Maybe there are better ways to accomplish your task.


