
由网友(22.余生继续浪)分享简介:我想升级的ActiveRecord宝石最新的3.1.0版本,看到被提出了很多异常,我认为这是由于我们如何处理多个数据库。I'm trying to upgrade the ActiveRecord gem to the latest 3.1.0 release and seeing a lot of exceptio...


I'm trying to upgrade the ActiveRecord gem to the latest 3.1.0 release and seeing a lot of exceptions being raised, I think it's due to how we handle multiple databases.

有关我们的每一个数据库,我们指定继承的ActiveRecord :: Base的一个单独的基类,并调用 establish_connection 在那里。有没有跨数据库的关系。这工作得很好我们到现在为止。

For each of our databases we specify a separate base class which inherits from ActiveRecord::Base, and call establish_connection in there. There are no cross-database relations. This has worked fine for us up until now.

已经升级到3.1.0的ActiveRecord我看到它未能与的ActiveRecord :: ConnectionNotEstablished 例外,遍历关系的时候(例如,它会成功拉一个单一的实体或导航到一个相关的类时)设置它们的从DB,但失败。

Having upgraded to ActiveRecord 3.1.0 I'm seeing that it fails with an ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished exception, when traversing relations (i.e. it will successfully pull a single entity or set of them from the DB, but fails when navigating to a related class).

回溯的最上面一行是C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.1.0/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:410:in retrieve_connection,所以我挖成这一点。该方法被定义如下:

The top line of the backtrace is C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.1.0/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:410:in 'retrieve_connection', so I dug into this a little. The method is defined as follows:

def retrieve_connection(klass) #:nodoc:
    pool = retrieve_connection_pool(klass)
    (pool && pool.connection) or raise ConnectionNotEstablished

我的简单测试(把Customer.first.address )调用 retrieve_connection 3倍。两次客户克拉斯参数,并曾经与的ActiveRecord :: Base的作为参数 - 这是当它失败的 establish_connection 尚未要求的ActiveRecord :: Base的

My simple test (puts Customer.first.address) calls retrieve_connection 3 times. Twice with Customer as the klass parameter, and once with ActiveRecord::Base as the parameter - which is when it fails as establish_connection has not been called for ActiveRecord::Base.

到实际问题的话 - 有没有处理的ActiveRecord的多个数据库连接了新推荐的方式?如果是这样,那是什么?

To the actual question then - is there a new recommended way of handling multiple database connections in ActiveRecord? If so, what is it?


If not, what could be causing this problem?



I ran into the same issue yesterday while upgrading to ActiveRecord 3.1.0. I can't speak to whether there is a new recommended way of handling multiple database connections in ActiveRecord 3.1, but I did find a way to unblock myself.

它会出现一个连接现在必须建立在的ActiveRecord :: Base的,以便它确定适配器的表名长度/规则。随着我建立了我的数据库初始化连接的休息,我现在也有一个ActiveRecord :: Base的连接建立我的数据块一(它并不重要哪一个)。

It appears a connection must now be established on ActiveRecord::Base in order for it to determine the table name lengths/rules of the adapter. Along with the rest of my connections established in my database initializer, I now also have an ActiveRecord::Base connection established to one of my DBs (it doesn't matter which one).


I'd like to think there's a better solution to be found, but I'm happy to be unblocked for now.


