
由网友(有妞不泡,大逆不道。)分享简介:我已经有一个维护私人词典实例缓存一些数据的类。I have a class that maintains a private Dictionary instance that caches some data.类写入到从多个线程词典使用 ReaderWriterLockSlim 。The class writes...


I have a class that maintains a private Dictionary instance that caches some data.

类写入到从多个线程词典使用 ReaderWriterLockSlim

The class writes to the dictionary from multiple threads using a ReaderWriterLockSlim.

我要揭露类的外部字典的值。 什么是这样做的一个线程安全的方式?

I want to expose the dictionary's values outside the class. What is a thread-safe way of doing that?


public ReadOnlyCollection<MyClass> Values() {
    using (sync.ReadLock())
        return new ReadOnlyCollection<MyClass>(cache.Values.ToArray()); 


Is there a way to do this without copying the collection many times?

我使用.net 3.5(而不是4.0)

I'm using .Net 3.5 (not 4.0)



EDIT: I personally believe the below code is technically answering your question correctly (as in, it provides a way to enumerate over the values in a collection without creating a copy). Some developers far more reputable than I strongly advise against this approach, for reasons they have explained in their edits/comments. In short: This is apparently a bad idea. Therefore I'm leaving the answer but suggesting you not use it.

除非我失去了一些东西,我相信你会暴露你的价值观为的IEnumerable&LT; MyClass的&GT; ,而无需通过复制值产量关键字:

Unless I'm missing something, I believe you could expose your values as an IEnumerable<MyClass> without needing to copy values by using the yield keyword:

public IEnumerable<MyClass> Values {
    get {
        using (sync.ReadLock()) {
            foreach (MyClass value in cache.Values)
                yield return value;


Be aware, however (and I'm guessing you already knew this), that this approach provides lazy evaluation, which means that the Values property as implemented above can not be treated as providing a snapshot.


In other words... well, take a look at this code (I am of course guessing as to some of the details of this class of yours):

var d = new ThreadSafeDictionary<string, string>();

// d is empty right now
IEnumerable<string> values = d.Values;

d.Add("someKey", "someValue");

// if values were a snapshot, this would output nothing...
// but in FACT, since it is lazily evaluated, it will now have
// what is CURRENTLY in d.Values ("someValue")
foreach (string s in values) {


So if it's a requirement that this Values property be equivalent to a snapshot of what is in cache at the time the property is accessed, then you're going to have to make a copy.


(begin 280Z28): The following is an example of how someone unfamiliar with the "C# way of doing things" could lock the code:

IEnumerator enumerator = obj.Values.GetEnumerator();
MyClass first = null;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
    first = enumerator.Current;


(end 280Z28)


