我如何可以覆盖货币格式当前区域性的ASP.NET Web应用程序?区域性、应用程序、货币、格式

由网友(你若逢场作戏我便将计就计)分享简介:货币小数和千位分隔符为EN-ZA地区是''和''分别,但常用的分隔符是'。对于小数,再加上我的用户想','为千位分隔符。我要设置这些全球,让我只需要使用 {0:C} 格式字符串为我所有的货币领域,而无需任何明确的格式或的ToString 通话。 The currency decimal and thousand se...

货币小数和千位分隔符为EN-ZA地区是''和''分别,但常用的分隔符是'。对于小数,再加上我的用户想','为千位分隔符。我要设置这些全球,让我只需要使用 {0:C} 格式字符串为我所有的货币领域,而无需任何明确的格式的ToString 通话。

The currency decimal and thousand separators for the en-ZA region are ',' and ' ' respectively, but the separators in common use are '.' for decimal, plus my user wants ',' for the thousands separator. I wish to set these globally, so that I only have to use the {0:C} format string for all my currency fields, without having to any explicit Format or ToString calls.


I would prefer to be able to do this without changing the culture settings on the web server, as I also need to set the decimal places for currency to zero, as cents are not wanted when reporting on estimates of R100k and up etc. I wouldn't want to arbitrarily set the whole culture to zero places, just one for this application.


In comments to his answer on this question, Jon Skeet suggests cloning the current culture and setting and changing the required settings. I have done this as follows:

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var newCulture = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();
    newCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".";
    newCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ",";


However, how to I activate that new culture for all requests the application handles from this point on? Is there another way to achieve what I wish to do?


已经问了很多问题,并做了很多的实验,我已经决定了它的安全声明,这样做的唯一方法是使用来自出来的派生的控件框控件,并使用自定义的文化对象做你自己的格式。例如从派生的控制的BoundField ,并提供自己的 FormatProvider

Having asked many questions and done many experiments, I have decided that it's safe to state that the only way of doing this is to use controls derived from the out of box controls and do your own formatting using a customised culture object. Derive your control from e.g. BoundField and provide your own FormatProvider:

public class BoundReportField : BoundField
    protected virtual string GetDefaultFormatString(FieldFormatTypes formatType)
        var prop = typeof(FormatStrings).GetProperty(formatType.ToString()).GetValue(null, null);
        return prop.ToString();

    protected virtual IFormatProvider GetFormatProvider(FieldFormatTypes formatType)
        var info = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();
        info.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits = 0;
        info.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "R";
        info.NumberFormat.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ",";
        info.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".";
        return info;

    private FieldFormatTypes _formatType;
    public virtual FieldFormatTypes FormatType
        get { return _formatType; }
            _formatType = value;
            DataFormatString = GetDefaultFormatString(value);

    protected override string FormatDataValue(object dataValue, bool encode)
        // TODO Consider the encode flag.
        var formatString = DataFormatString;
        var formatProvider = GetFormatProvider(_formatType);
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formatString))
            formatString = GetDefaultFormatString(_formatType);
        return string.Format(formatProvider, formatString, dataValue);


I will publish an article later with all the gory details.


