
由网友(旧年素颜、君记否)分享简介:我在写XML与的XmlWriter 。我的code有很多部分是这样的:I'm writing xml with XmlWriter. My code has lots of sections like this:xml.WriteStartElement("payload");ThirdPartyLibrary....

我在写XML与的XmlWriter 。我的code有很多部分是这样的:

I'm writing xml with XmlWriter. My code has lots of sections like this:

ThirdPartyLibrary.Serialise(results, xml);
xml.WriteEndElement(); // </payload>

的问题是, ThirdPartyLibrary.Serialise 方法是不可靠的。它可以发生(取决于具体的变量结果),它并没有关闭所有它打开的标签。因此,我WriteEndElement线是变态的,消耗闭库的挂标签,而不是写&LT; /有效载荷GT;

The problem is that the ThirdPartyLibrary.Serialise method is unreliable. It can happen (depending on the variable results) that it doesn't close all the tags it opens. As a consequence, my WriteEndElement line is perverted, consumed closing the library's hanging tags, rather than writing </payload>.


Thus I'd like to make a checked call to WriteEndElement that checks the element name, and throws an exception unless the cursor is at the expected element.


您可以把它像 XmlReader.ReadStartElement(名称)会抛出,除非光标在文件中预期的地方。

You can think of this like XmlReader.ReadStartElement(name) which throws unless the cursor is at the expected place in the document.


How can I achieve this?


A second use case for this extension method would be to make my own code more readable and reliable.


在最后,我写了一个延伸的方法 WriteSubtree ,给出了可用的API:

In the end, I wrote an extention method WriteSubtree that gives this usable API:

using (var resultsXml = xml.WriteSubtree("Results"))
    ThirdPartyLibrary.Serialise(results, resultsXml);

扩展方法 XmlWriter.WriteSubtree 类似于.NET的 XmlReader.ReadSubtree 。它返回一个特殊的XmlWriter,检查对滑稽的生意。它的处置方法将关闭所有还在打开的标签。

The extension method XmlWriter.WriteSubtree is analogous to .NET's XmlReader.ReadSubtree. It returns a special XmlWriter that checks against funny business. Its dispose method closes any tags left open.


