调用C#.NET服务从C ++应用程序?应用程序、NET

由网友(干到你满意为止@)分享简介:我有一个旧的MFC应用写在Visual Studio 6。这将在某个时候在C#.net被改写。不过,在此之前我必须写一些新的Windows服务,为现有的应用程序。其他人写的ATL。我将preFER做的是用C#.NET这些新的服务,这样,当应用程序的其余部分被重写,这些并不需要如此。I have an old MFC...

我有一个旧的MFC应用写在Visual Studio 6。这将在某个时候在C#.net被改写。不过,在此之前我必须写一些新的Windows服务,为现有的应用程序。其他人写的ATL。我将preFER做的是用C#.NET这些新的服务,这样,当应用程序的其余部分被重写,这些并不需要如此。

I have an old MFC app written in Visual Studio 6. This will at some point be rewritten in C# .NET. However, before then I have to write a couple of new Windows services for the existing application. The others were written in ATL. What I would prefer to do is write these new services in C# .NET so that when the rest of the application is rewritten, these don't need to be.

难道将是可以调用从旧的应用程序在.NET Windows服务托管库的接口?如果是的话,可以请你解释一下。

Is it going to be possible to call the interfaces on the libraries hosted in a .NET windows service from the old application? If so, could you please explain how.



Absolutely. You're looking for a feature of .NET called COM-Interop.

http://msdn.microsoft。 COM / EN-US /库/ kew41ycz%28V = vs.71%29.aspx

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ cc163494.aspx


The second link has an ATL example.

编辑: 根据您的意见反馈,让我展开这...

Based on your feedback in the comments, let me expand on this...

嗯 - 你说得对页面上的样品

Ah - you're right about the sample on that page.


The first link is really where you want to start for all the details. If you follow the links, you'll find this page:

揭露.NET框架组件以COM http://msdn.microsoft.com/en -us /库/ zsfww439%28V = vs.71%29.aspx

"Exposing .NET Framework Components to COM" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zsfww439%28v=vs.71%29.aspx

从本质上讲,它是在客户机上应用一系列的属性到类和属性,然后生成相应的注册表项(其中.NET有一个工具做的只是一个问题 - 见:的 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bctyca52 %28V = vs.71%29.aspx )

Essentially, it's just a matter of applying a series of attributes to your classes and properties, and then generating the appropriate registry entries on the client machine (which .NET has a tool to do - see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bctyca52%28v=vs.71%29.aspx)


I've done this several times myself for .NET projects people needed to call from VC++ and/or VB6.


Some other links that might be of interest:

HTTP://www.$c$cproject.com/KB/ COM / nettocom.aspx < - 你正在尝试做的很好的例子

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/COM/nettocom.aspx <-- Perfect example of what you're trying to do.

HTTP://www.$c$cproject.com/KB/ COM / Universal_CCW.aspx


