
由网友(你别皱眉)分享简介:我有一个WPF的.NET 4.5应用程序,其中我有麻烦合并资源字典。I have a WPF .net 4.5 application where I am having trouble merging resource dictionaries.我有相同的问题,因为此等问题和的这个问题但接受的解决方案并没有为我工...

我有一个WPF的.NET 4.5应用程序,其中我有麻烦合并资源字典。

I have a WPF .net 4.5 application where I am having trouble merging resource dictionaries.


I have the exact same problem as This SO question and This Question but the accepted solution does not work for me.


I have a resource dictionaries declared in my app.xaml as follows (simplified for clarity):

            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/ResourceLibrary.xaml" />              
            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/Brushes/ColorStyles.xaml" />               

问题: 通过应用程序和错误有关缺少静态资源出现的应用程序可以看到当App.xaml中列出的ColorStyles dictonary,但如果我移动/窝吧ResourceLibrary.xaml里面,然后ColorStyles.xaml没有见过。

Problem: The app can "SEE" the ColorStyles dictonary when listed in app.xaml, but if I move/nest it inside the ResourceLibrary.xaml, then the ColorStyles.xaml are not "seen" by the app and errors about missing static resources appear.


Here is how I create the ResourceLibrary.xaml dictionary (simplified):



        <!--  BRUSHES AND COLORS  -->
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes/ColorStyles.xaml" />



Reason for change: My current organization of my resource dictionaries is awful and I need to change it (as I am creating objects more than once). I wanted to have one resource dictionary in a "Skin" folder and then sub-folders for organizing the remaining style dictionaries which would all be merged in the ResourceLibrary.xaml file which in turn would be called in app.xaml.

我的尝试: 是的,我也尝试使用从上面的链接的解决方案:

What I tried: Yes I did try to use the solution from the link above:

            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/ResourceLibrary.xaml"/>
        <!-- Dummy Style, anything you won't use goes -->
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}" />


but I get the following error on the dummy style line:

错误2属性的元素不能在一个元素的中间   内容。他们必须是前或后的内容。

Error 2 Property elements cannot be in the middle of an element's content. They must be before or after the content.



changing the code to the following got rid of the error above, thanks to lisp comment:

        <!--Global View Model Locator-->
        <vm:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator" d:IsDataSource="True" />

        <!-- Dummy Style, anything you won't use goes -->
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}" />

            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/ResourceLibrary.xaml"></ResourceDictionary>             
            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/Brushes/ColorStyles.xaml" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="Skin/NamedStyles/AlertStyles.xaml" />



but the Resource Library is still not being called.



I also tried to change all the file paths to pack URI's, but that did not solve the problem either.



I tried moving the resourceLibrary.xaml and the other resource dictionaries into a different class library project (using the same folder structure and files as above). I then used the following URI but I still am not able to access resources declared in the ResourceLibrary.xaml file.

<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/FTC.Style;component/ResourceLibrary.xaml" />


But again, if I add each resource dictionary to the App.Xaml file, using the UIR format above, the resources are usable.



After Edit 1, the error is gone, but I am still unable to use resources that are a part of the merged dictionary in the ResourceLibrary.xaml file. I am inclined to agree with the comment of dowhilefor as to whether or not I should use this approach, but I want to figure this out because the most common solution to this problem (see links at top of this post) is not working and maybe this solution could help someone else.


Question: Why is the ResourceLibrary.xaml file being ignored?


我哈瓦一个大问题MergedDictionaries,我相信,你的问题是一样的。 我希望我的ResourceDictionaries进行适当的组织,这意味着对我来说,有例如单独Buttons.xaml,TextBoxes.xaml,Colors.xaml等。我在Theme.xaml它们合并,往往所有的风格都在一个单独的组件(这样我就可以很容易地切换主题)。我的ApplicationResources如下:

I hava a big problem with MergedDictionaries and I believe that your problem is the same. I want my ResourceDictionaries to be properly organized, which means for me that there are for example seperate Buttons.xaml, TextBoxes.xaml, Colors.xaml and so on. I merge them in Theme.xaml, often all the Styles are in a seperate assembly (so that I could easily switch Themes). My ApplicationResources are as follows:

      <ResourceDictionary Source="/DefaultTheme;component/Theme.xaml" />
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type Ellipse}"/>

和每一个的StaticResource在主应用程序组件的工作定义的.xamls,默认样式的工作多亏了伪风格。 有什么不工作是.xamls之间StaticResources主题里面。如果我定义了使用从Colors.xaml一个的StaticResource在Buttons.xaml样式,我得到StaticResources和UnsetValue错误。它的工作原理,如果我加入Colors.xaml到应用MergedDictionaries。

And every StaticResource in the .xamls defined in the main application assembly work, default styles work thanks to the dummy Style. What doesn't work are StaticResources between .xamls inside of Theme. If I define a Style in Buttons.xaml that uses a StaticResource from Colors.xaml, I get an error about StaticResources and UnsetValue. It works if I add Colors.xaml to Application MergedDictionaries.


Abandon organization. Put everything in one .xaml. I believe that is how the ResourceDictionaries were generally supposed to be used because of all the 'problems' with MergedDictionaries (for me this would be a nightmare).


Change all cross-xaml StaticResource references inside of theme to DynamicResource. It works but comes with a price as DynamicResources are 'heavier' than StaticResources.

在使用StaticResources从其他的.xaml每一个主题的.xaml,加上这另外的ResourceDictionary来MergedDictionaries。这意味着,Buttons.xaml,TextBoxes.xaml和其他人将不得不Colors.xaml在他们MergedDictionaries。这将导致颜色的ResourceDictionary被存储在内存中的多个副本。要避免这种情况,你可能想看看 SharedResourceDictionary 。

In every Theme .xaml that uses StaticResources from another .xaml, add this another ResourceDictionary to MergedDictionaries. That means that Buttons.xaml, TextBoxes.xaml and others would have Colors.xaml in their MergedDictionaries. It will result in Colors ResourceDictionary being stored in memory in multiple copies. To avoid that you might want to look into SharedResourceDictionary.


By different ResourceDictionaries setup, different nestings I came up with a theory:

如果没有在上面发现在同一的.xaml或本ResourceDictionary中的MergedDictionaries一个的StaticResource,就搜索的其他顶级MergedDictionaries 的。

If a StaticResource isn't found above in the same .xaml or in the MergedDictionaries of this ResourceDictionary, it is searched in other top-level MergedDictionaries.

我会preFER添加到ApplicationResources只有一个的.xaml,但我通常最终会使用的两个。你不必添加到ApplicationResources每.XAML,你在主题,只是 - 例如 - Controls.xaml(与任何一种MergedDictionaries嵌套的,但Controls.xaml辞书之间没有交叉引用是允许的),并Common.xaml它包含控件的所有公共资源。如果Common.xaml嵌套也是允许的,但没有交叉引用,不能有独立的Colors.xaml和Brushes.xaml使用颜色StaticResources - 那么,你就必须有3 .xamls添加到应用程序MergedDictionaries

I would prefer to add to ApplicationResources only one .xaml, but I usually end up using two. You dont have to add to ApplicationResources every .xaml that you have in Theme, just - for example - Controls.xaml (with any kind of MergedDictionaries nesting, but no cross-references between Dictionaries of Controls.xaml are allowed) and Common.xaml which contains all common Resources of Controls. In case of Common.xaml nesting is also allowed, but no cross-references, there cannot be seperate Colors.xaml and Brushes.xaml that uses Colors as StaticResources - then you would have to have 3 .xamls added to Application MergedDictionaries.


Now I always use the third solution, but I don't consider it perfect and still would like to know if there is a better way. I hope I correctly interpreted what you described as the same problem as mine.


