
由网友(35°角斜視你的單純)分享简介:我的理解和AP preciate的 System.WeakReference 类在.NET框架,但很好奇,实施细则。I understand and appreciate the usefulness of the System.WeakReference class in the .NET framework, b...

我的理解和AP preciate的 System.WeakReference 类在.NET框架,但很好奇,实施细则。

I understand and appreciate the usefulness of the System.WeakReference class in the .NET framework, but am curious as to the implementation details.

如何WeakReference的在.NET中实现的? MSDN讨论了WeakReference的详细使用方法,但我已经看到了这是如何工作的引擎盖下的小细节。

How is WeakReference implemented in .NET? MSDN discusses the usage of WeakReference in detail, but has little details that I've seen on how this works under the hood.


How does the CLR track the reference and know to null out the internal handle when the Target is collected, without preventing the GC? Does it require special handling in the CLR itself?


My main concern would be whether there are performance implications of using WeakReferences (especially if using many of them) that differ from those of using standard object references.



The WeakReference class hands off its object reference to the GC and gets a handle back. Whenever you get the reference or check if the reference is alive, the handle is used to ask the GC for the reference.


This means that the GC keeps a list of all weak references, which it has to update when objects are collected. It also means that there is some overhead every time you use a weak reference.


So, every weak reference means a little more work for the garbage collector, but on the other hand so does every regular reference too, even if it's less. You should of course be a bit careful about using a lot of weak references, but if you need that to get the memory management to work well with your objects, that should outweight the small overhead that it causes.


