是什么理由这个可空< T>隐式转换操作符的行为理由、行为、操作、隐式

由网友(捧猫小可爱)分享简介:我遇到可空和隐式转换之间的相互作用一些有趣的行为。我发现,提供一个隐式转换为从值类型引用类型它允许可空键入要传递给需要引用类型的函数时,我反而期待一个编译错误。下面code说明了这一点:I encountered some interesting behavior in the interaction between...


I encountered some interesting behavior in the interaction between Nullable and implicit conversions. I found that providing an implicit conversion for a reference type from a value type it permits the Nullable type to be passed to a function requiring the reference type when I instead expect a compilation error. The below code demonstrates this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    PrintCatAge(new Cat(13));
    int? cat = null;

private static void PrintCatAge(Cat cat)
    if (cat == null)
        System.Console.WriteLine("What cat?");
        System.Console.WriteLine("The cat's age is {0} years", cat.Age);

class Cat
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public Cat(int age)
        Age = age;

    public static implicit operator Cat(int i)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Implicit conversion from " + i);
        return new Cat(i);


The cat's age is 13 years
Implicit conversion from 12
The cat's age is 12 years
What cat?


If the conversion code is removed from Cat then you get the expected errors:


Error 3 The best overloaded method match for 'ConsoleApplication2.Program.PrintCatAge(ConsoleApplication2.Program.Cat)' has some invalid arguments


Error 4 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int?' to 'ConsoleApplication2.Program.Cat


If you open the executable with ILSpy the code that was generated is as follows

int? num = null;
Program.PrintCatAge(num.HasValue ? num.GetValueOrDefault() : null);

在一个类似实验中我删除了转换,并增加了超载 PrintCatAge 接受一个int(不能为空),看看如果编译器将执行一个类似的操作,但它不

In a similar experiment I removed the conversion and added an overload to PrintCatAge that takes an int (not nullable) to see if the compiler would perform a similar operation, but it does not.

我明白发生了什么,但我不明白的理由吧。此行为是意外,我和似乎很奇怪。我没有任何成功找到文档中的转换任何提及这一行为MSDN上或可空< T>

I understand what is happening, but I don't understand the justification for it. This behavior is unexpected to me and seems odd. I did not have any success finding any reference to this behavior on MSDN in the documentation for conversions or Nullable<T>.


The question I pose then is, is this intentional and is there a explanation why this is happening?


我此前曾表示,(1)这是一个编译器错误和(2)它是一个新的。第一个说法是准确的;第二次是我感到困惑,我曾急促去上车时间。 (我在想那的bug是新的我是一个更复杂的bug,涉及解禁的转换和提升增值运营商。)

I said earlier that (1) this is a compiler bug and (2) it is a new one. The first statement was accurate; the second was me getting confused in my haste to get to the bus on time. (The bug I was thinking of that is new to me is a much more complicated bug involving lifted conversions and lifted increment operators.)


This is a known compiler bug of long standing. Jon Skeet first brought it to my attention some time ago and I believe there's a StackOverflow question about it somewhere; I do not recall where offhand. Perhaps Jon does.

那么,这个bug。让我们定义一个解禁操作符。如果操作员从非空值S型转换到非可空值类型T,然后也有一个取消操作符,它把来自S'到T 2,使得空S'变换为一个空T'和一个非空S'转换到T?通过展开S'以S,将S到T,和包装T可T'。

So, the bug. Let's define a "lifted" operator. If an operator converts from a non-nullable value type S to a non-nullable value type T then there is also a "lifted" operator that converts from S? to T?, such that a null S? converts to a null T? and a non-null S? converts to T? by unwrapping S? to S, converting S to T, and wrapping T to T?.


The specification says that (1) the only situation in which there is a lifted operator is when S and T are both non-nullable value types, and (2) that the lifted and non-lifted conversion operators are both considered as to whether they are applicable candidates for the conversion and if both applicable, then the source and target types of the applicable conversions, lifted or unlifted, are used to determine the best source type, best target type, and ultimately, best conversion of all the applicable conversions.


Unfortunately, the implementation thoroughly violates all of these rules, and does so in a way that we cannot change without breaking many existing programs.


First off, we violate the rule about the existence of lifted operators. A lifted operator is considered by the implementation to exist if S and T are both non-nullable value types, or if S is a non-nullable value type and T is any type to which a null could be assigned: reference type, nullable value type, or pointer type. In all those cases we produce a lifted operator.


In your particular case, we lift to nullable by saying that we convert a nullable type to the reference type Cat by checking for null. If the source is not null then we convert normally; if it is, then we produce a null Cat.


Second, we violate thoroughly the rule about how to determine the best source and target types of applicable candidates when one of those candidates is a lifted operator, and we also violate the rules about determining which is the best operator.


In short, it is a big mess that cannot be fixed without breaking real customers, and so we will likely enshrine the behaviour in Roslyn. I will consider documenting the exact behaviour of the compiler in my blog at some point, but I would not hold my breath while waiting for that day if I were you.


And of course, many apologies for the errors.


