
由网友(把孤独当自由)分享简介:我有ID的列表,而且我需要在每个ID运行多个存储过程。I have a list of IDs, and I need to run several stored procedures on each ID.在我使用的是标准的foreach循环,它工作正常,但是当我有很多的记录,它的工作原理pretty的慢。Wh...


I have a list of IDs, and I need to run several stored procedures on each ID.


When I am using a standard foreach loop, it works OK, but when I have many records, it works pretty slow.


I wanted to convert the code to work with EF, but I am getting an exception: "The underlying provider failed on Open".


I am using this code, inside the Parallel.ForEach:

using (XmlEntities osContext = new XmlEntities())
    //The code


But it still throws the exception.


Any idea how can I use Parallel with EF? do I need to create a new context for every procedure I am running? I have around 10 procedures, so I think its very bad to create 10 contexts, one for each.



The underlying database connections that the Entity Framework are using are not thread-safe. You will need to create a new context for each operation on another thread that you're going to perform.


Your concern about how to parallelize the operation is a valid one; that many contexts are going to be expensive to open and close.


Instead, you might want to invert how your thinking about parallelizing the code. It seems you're looping over a number of items and then calling the stored procedures in serial for each item.

如果可以的话,创建一个新的 任务< TResult> (或Task,如果你不需要一个结果)的每个的程序的,然后在任务< TResult> ,全部通过打开一个单一的背景下,循环该项目,然后执行该存储过程。这样一来,你只有一个数字的上下文等于你在并行运行存储过程的次数。

If you can, create a new Task<TResult> (or Task, if you don't need a result) for each procedure and then in that Task<TResult>, open a single context, loop through all of the items, and then execute the stored procedure. This way, you only have a number of contexts equal to the number of stored procedures that you are running in parallel.

让我们假设你有一个 MyDbContext 有两个存储过程, DoSomething1 了doSomething2 ,两者都需要一个类的实例, MyItem

Let's assume you have a MyDbContext with two stored procedures, DoSomething1 and DoSomething2, both of which take an instance of a class, MyItem.


Implementing the above would look something like:

// You'd probably want to materialize this into an IList<T> to avoid
// warnings about multiple iterations of an IEnumerable<T>.
// You definitely *don't* want this to be an IQueryable<T>
// returned from a context.
IEnumerable<MyItem> items = ...;

// The first stored procedure is called here.
Task t1 = Task.Run(() => { 
    // Create the context.
    using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
    // Cycle through each item.
    foreach (MyItem item in items)
        // Call the first stored procedure.
        // You'd of course, have to do something with item here.

// The second stored procedure is called here.
Task t2 = Task.Run(() => { 
    // Create the context.
    using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
    // Cycle through each item.
    foreach (MyItem item in items)
        // Call the first stored procedure.
        // You'd of course, have to do something with item here.

// Do something when both of the tasks are done.


If you can't execute the stored procedures in parallel (each one is dependent on being run in a certain order), then you can still parallelize your operations, it's just a little more complex.

您会看创建自定义分区在您的项目(使用静态Create对Partitioner类)。这将使你获得 的IEnumerator&LT的手段; T&GT; 实现(注意,这是的没有的 的IEnumerable&LT; T&GT; 所以你不能的foreach 过它)

You would look at creating custom partitions across your items (using the static Create method on the Partitioner class). This will give you the means to get IEnumerator<T> implementations (note, this is not IEnumerable<T> so you can't foreach over it).

对于每个的IEnumerator&LT; T&GT; 比如你回来,你会创建一个新的任务&LT; TResult&GT; (如果你需要一个结果),并在任务&LT; TResult&GT; 的身体,你需要创建通过返回的项目范围内,然后循环 IEnumerator的&LT; T&GT; ,调用顺序存储过程

For each IEnumerator<T> instance you get back, you'd create a new Task<TResult> (if you need a result), and in the Task<TResult> body, you would create the context and then cycle through the items returned by the IEnumerator<T>, calling the stored procedures in order.


// Get the partitioner.
OrdinalPartitioner<MyItem> partitioner = Partitioner.Create(items);

// Get the partitions.
// You'll have to set the parameter for the number of partitions here.
// See the link for creating custom partitions for more
// creation strategies.
IList<IEnumerator<MyItem>> paritions = partitioner.GetPartitions(

// Create a task for each partition.
Task[] tasks = partitions.Select(p => Task.Run(() => { 
        // Create the context.
        using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
        // Remember, the IEnumerator<T> implementation
        // might implement IDisposable.
        using (p)
        // While there are items in p.
        while (p.MoveNext())
            // Get the current item.
            MyItem current = p.Current;

            // Call the stored procedures.  Process the item
    // ToArray is needed (or something to materialize the list) to
    // avoid deferred execution.

