
由网友(注定梦一场)分享简介:我要那个检测修改的文件(通过在客户端和服务器的文件进行比较),只有下载修改过的文件自动更新。我也希望它给我的地位活泼(要在进程条或东西表现出来)I want an auto updater that detect modified files (by comparing files on the client-sid...


I want an auto updater that detect modified files (by comparing files on the client-side and a server) and only download modified files. I also want it to give me its status lively (To show it on a process bar or something)

该方案是,有大约一千客户端在网络中,使用相同的应用程序。如果应用程序的新版本可用,他们都得到了新的版本。然而,带宽是有限的,所以它的效率不是很高,给他们一个完整安装程序各一次。 (我们目前正在做的)

The scenario is that there's about one thousand clients in a network, that use same application. If a new version of the application is available, they all have to get the new version. But, the bandwidth is limited, so it's not very efficient to give them a full installer each time. (Which we do currently)

我周围中搜索了一下,我发现 IcePatch2 。它做我想要的确切的事情:从服务器获取最新的文件,该修补运行时。但问题是,客户写了 C#,我不能用IcePatch2 在我的应用程序。 (我要运行它作为一个独立的进程,或者写一个COM或某事与IcePatch2Client交互)

I searched around a little, and I found IcePatch2. It do the exact thing I want: Getting the newest files from server when the patcher is run. But the problem is that clients wrote in C#, and I can't use IcePatch2 inside my application. (I have to run it as a separate process, or write a COM or something to interact with the IcePatch2Client)

到目前为止,我找到了最好的解决办法是让的 .NET应用程序更新组件 并定制以满足我的需要。但我preFER该剂量不要求我保持其他应用程序的解决方案。

So far, the best solution I found is to get .NET Application Updater Component and customize it to fit my needs. But I prefer a solution that dose not require me to maintain another application.



我们使用 wyBuild 。

它产生的二进制增量补丁 - 甚至比文件级别比较好。它也有一个客户端的自动更新组件太: wyUpdate

It produces binary delta patches - even better than file-level. It also has a client auto-update component too: wyUpdate.


