如何解决VS2010 Windows窗体设计器问题(基类无法加载)窗体、如何解决、加载、问题

由网友(水月轩颠峰)分享简介:我最近一直在用继承的用户控件时,得到的VS2010SP1的Windows窗体设计错误。I have recently been getting an error in the Windows Forms designer of VS2010SP1 when using inherited UserControls....


I have recently been getting an error in the Windows Forms designer of VS2010SP1 when using inherited UserControls.


设计者无法显示此文件,因为没有任何的   在其内的类能够被设计。设计师视察   下列类文件中:DebugPanel ---基类   UI.Panels.PanelBase无法加载。保证   装配已被引用,并且所有项目已建成。

The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file: DebugPanel --- The base class 'UI.Panels.PanelBase' could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and that all projects have been built.

PanelBase]是在同一类库DebugPanel也实现接口茁壮(后者又在同一类库中定义)中定义一个用户控件。 茁壮实现了在不同的类库中定义的接口IBaseItem

PanelBase is a UserControl that is defined in the same class library as DebugPanel that also implements an interface IPanel (which is in turn defined in the same class library). IPanel implements an interface IBaseItem that is defined in a different class library.


DebugPanel            (Library UI.Shared2)
- PanelBase           (Library UI.Shared2)
    - UserControl     (System.Windows.Forms - .NET4)
    - IPanel          (Library UI.Shared2)
        - IBaseItem   (Library Net.Common) 


PanelBase is designable correctly, the project all builds correctly and works but when I try and design any inherited control the designer fails. This is not limited to the DebugPanel control, but any control inheriting from PanelBase... I've also seen the issue with other controls that I use that have similar inheritance hierarchies.

予一般可以暂时通过清洗库UI.Shared2,关闭VS和然后再次打开它,重建溶液和打开设计解决该问题。 然后,这将工作一小会儿,然后开始再次失败。

I can generally resolve the problem temporarily by cleaning the library UI.Shared2, closing VS and then opening it again, rebuilding the solution and opening the designer. This will then work for a short while and then start to fail again.


Does anyone have any suggestions that can resolve this issue permanently without resorting to restarting VS?

编辑:我瞄准了完整版本的.NET 4的所有库

I am targeting the full version of .NET 4 with all libraries.



I would suggest putting your base class in a separate project. As you obviously know, the problem is that VS is losing track of some meta information, which you can get it to find by quitting and rebuilding. If the base class is in a separate project, a clean/rebuild is more likely to bring it back up to date.


