
由网友(予我长情)分享简介:我写一个程序基于我连接到网络上的自动切换我的代理服务器地址。I am writing a program to automatically switch my proxy address based on the network I am connected to.我至今得到的一切工作,除了我下面突出的部分。 I...


I am writing a program to automatically switch my proxy address based on the network I am connected to.


I have so far got everything to work except the part that I have highlighted below.


Is there any way to change the automatic configuration script and the automatically detect settings in code?

该溶液可以是P /调用注册表编辑。我只是需要一些作品。

The solution can be either P/Invoke registry editing. I just need something that works.


您可以通过使用注册表更改代理设置。请访问以下链接: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/819961

You can change proxy settings by using the registry. See the following link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/819961

关键路径: HKEY_CURRENT_USER 软件微软的Windows CurrentVersion Internet设置



A question在SuperUser.com 有关如何禁用自动检测IE代理的配置设置。禁用自动检测设置,在IE浏览器的代理配置。

A question in SuperUser.com regarding how to disable automatically detect settings in ie proxy configuration. Disable "Automatically detect settings" in IE proxy configuration

有一个片段,从通过注册的Internet Explorer自动配置脚本定义。

A snippet, taken from Internet Explorer Automatic Configuration Script Definition via Registry.

脚本1:这使得Autoconf脚本,并确定它是什么(交换的http:// XXXX 与你的脚本)

Script 1: This enables the AutoConf Script and defines what it is (exchange the http://xxxx with your script)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings]


Script 2: This script Disables the AutoConf Script and enables a proxy server with exceptions.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings]

