爱普生OPOS ADK的.NET驱动程序的Windows 7爱普生、驱动程序、OPOS、ADK

由网友(泪 ゞ 限量版)分享简介:有没有人使用爱普生OPOS ADK对.NET的Windows 7。我想,因为有没有可用于Windows 7在Windows 7上安装Windows Vista的驱动程序,但没有奏效。请分享可能已经工作了,你有什么建议或想法。我使用的是TM-88IV收据打印机。Has anyone used Epson OPOS AD...

有没有人使用爱普生OPOS ADK对.NET的Windows 7。我想,因为有没有可用于Windows 7在Windows 7上安装Windows Vista的驱动程序,但没有奏效。请分享可能已经工作了,你有什么建议或想法。我使用的是TM-88IV收据打印机。

Has anyone used Epson OPOS ADK for .NET for Windows 7. I tried to install Windows Vista drivers on Windows 7 since there are none available for Windows 7, but it did not work. Please share any suggestions or ideas that might have worked for you. I am using a TM-88IV receipt printer.


这可能是更容易使用一个通用的文本打印机驱动程序。其中一些特定的OPOS驱动程序养猪占用CPU资源(无论他们是越野车或写的不好)。通过使用通用文本打印机驱动程序,您可以发送转义序列打印机控制格式的打印机使用爱普生ESC2 code序列。

It might be easier to use a generic text printer driver. Some of those specific OPOS drivers hog up CPU resource (either they are buggy or badly written). By using a generic text printer driver, you can send escape sequences to the printer to control the formatting as the printer uses the Epson ESC2 code sequences.

顺便说一句,我猜测钱箱被插入打印机的背面是吗?此外,通过使用通用打印机驱动程序,您可以发送一个特定的ESC控制codeS它和抽屉应该揪出来 - 它可能不相关的问题,但认为我会包括

By the way, I guess the cash drawer is plugged into the back of the printer yes? Again, by using the generic printer driver, you can send a specific ESC control codes to it and the drawer should kick out - It may not be relevant to the question but thought I'd include that.


In light of this, it would be worth your while to check out Microsoft's POS kit for .NET which will make your life easier, this SDK sits on top of the OPOS drivers and you have the classes, methods, properties in the .NET World.


