实施ASP.NET MVC 3接口模型绑定(与视图模型)模型、视图、绑定、接口

由网友(炸学校)分享简介:我刚开始学习ASP.NET MVC 3,我如何,我可以实现类似什么是显示在这个环节有点糊涂了:HTTP://www.codethinked.com /易和安全模型结合功能于ASPNET-MVC 为什么我很困惑很可能是基于我在这个问题的无知。在上面的链接页面上的例子,我看到贾斯汀正在使用视图模型直接包含他的人对象的属性...

我刚开始学习ASP.NET MVC 3,我如何,我可以实现类似什么是显示在这个环节有点糊涂了:

HTTP://www.codethinked.com /易和安全模型结合功能于ASPNET-MVC




    公共虚拟INT CompanyID {获得;组; }

    公共虚拟布尔主动{获得;组; }

    公共虚拟字符串名称{;组; }

    公共虚拟字符串电话{获得;组; }



    布尔主动{获得;组; }
    字符串名称{;组; }
    串电话{获得;组; }
详解ASP.NET MVC 中的 View 模型



我想不通的是如何正确$ C C控制器$。我的控制器目前看起来像这样:

    /// POST:/公司/编辑/ 5
    ///< /总结>
    公众的ActionResult编辑([绑定(preFIX =公司)公司模式)
        VAR公司= _companyService.GetCompany(model.CompanyID);

        如果(公司== NULL)

            如果(TryUpdateModel< ICompanyUpdateAsUser>(公司))
                返回RedirectToAction(详细信息,新{companyId = model.CompanyID});


我知道的东西是绝对错误与我的控制器code,但我想不出什么成分,我需要用它来实现这样的模式?我是否需要使用自定义模型联?我是否需要使用ASP.NET MVC3的其他一些功能来实现该模式?

任何意见将是极大的AP preciated。







    /// POST:/公司/编辑/ 5
    ///< /总结>
        VAR公司= _companyService.GetCompany(viewModel.Company.CompanyID);

        如果(公司== NULL)

            如果(TryUpdateModel< ICompanyUpdateAsUser>(公司,「本公司」))
                返回RedirectToAction(详细信息,新{companyId = viewModel.Company.CompanyID});




    上市公司公司{获得;组; }





I just learning ASP.NET MVC 3 and I'm a bit confused on how I can implement something like what is shown in this link:


Why I'm confused is most likely based on my ignorance in the subject. In the example on the page linked above, I see Justin is using a ViewModel that directly contains properties of his "Person" object.

What I want to do is similar, but I want to have a ViewModel actually contain the domain class, which is in my case Company, rather than Person. I'm having the Company class itself implement the ViewModel subset views (ex. IEditCompanyAsUser).

What I've tried so far looks something like so:

public class Company : IValidatableObject, ICompanyUpdateAsUser
    public virtual int CompanyID { get; set; }

    public virtual Boolean Active { get; set; }

    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual string Phone { get; set; }

    // Containing some more members below

With ICompanyUpdateAsUser containing the properties I would like my controller's Edit method to update:

public interface ICompanyUpdateAsUser
    bool Active { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    string Phone { get; set; }  

And a ViewModel class that looks like so:

public class CompanyViewModel
    public Company Company;
    // Will be adding more members in the future

What I can't figure out is how to properly code the controller. My controller currently looks like so:

    /// <summary>
    /// POST: /Company/Edit/5
    /// </summary>
    public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Prefix="Company")]Company model)
        var company = _companyService.GetCompany(model.CompanyID);

        if (company == null)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            if (TryUpdateModel<ICompanyUpdateAsUser>(company))
                return RedirectToAction("Details", new { companyId = model.CompanyID });

        return View(model);

I know something is absolutely wrong with my controller code but I can't figure out what components I need to use to implement such a pattern? Do I need to use a custom model binder? Do I need to use some other feature of ASP.NET MVC3 to implement the pattern?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



What I need to do is have the Edit view post back a "Company" object, then update the object from the database with the values on the post'ed Company (according to the properties on the interface passed to TryUpdateModel). Everything appears to be working (validation, etc.), but the TryUpdateModel(company) does not seem to be working, though evaluating to true. When I step through the code with a debugger, the Company object pulled from the DB is simply never updated.

After a bit more reading, I've determined the TryUpdateModel method updates the passed item from the method's IValueProvider. How can I associated the passed in "Company model" with the IValueProvider for the method?


I ended up resolving the issue by first making a couple of modifications..in my question, my controller failed to use the ViewModel class I had created. Once I modified the controller to look like so:

 /// <summary>
    /// POST: /Company/Edit/5
    /// </summary>
    public ActionResult Edit(CompanyViewModel viewModel)
        var company = _companyService.GetCompany(viewModel.Company.CompanyID);

        if (company == null)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            if (TryUpdateModel<ICompanyUpdateAsUser>(company, "Company"))
                return RedirectToAction("Details", new { companyId = viewModel.Company.CompanyID });

        return View(viewModel);

I found that everything appeared to be working properly, but as stated in the comments above TryUpdateModel simply DID NOT work, though returning true!

After sifting through tons of Stack Overflow & other forum posts, I eventually found that TryUpdateModel does not work on fields, only properties. To get it working properly I had to modify my ViewModel to look like so:

public class CompanyViewModel
    public Company Company { get; set; }

    public CompanyViewModel(Company company)
        Company = company;

    public CompanyViewModel()
        Company = new Company();

Such a silly mistake, though I feel this point is far overlooked by many of the model binding tutorials I have read.

Hopefully this answer will save someone some time.


