
由网友(鱼忆海七秒,海护鱼一生)分享简介:我正在写一个需要创造HKCR所有注册表值的列表的工具。我使用的是递归函数这样做:I'm writing a utility that needs to create a list of all registry values in HKCR. I am doing this using a recursive fun...


I'm writing a utility that needs to create a list of all registry values in HKCR. I am doing this using a recursive function:

var list = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Read(Registry.ClassesRoot, list);

static void Read(RegistryKey root, IDictionary<string, string> values)
    foreach (var child in root.GetSubKeyNames())
        using (var childKey = root.OpenSubKey(child))
            Read(childKey, values);

    foreach (var value in root.GetValueNames())
        values.Add(string.Format("{0}{1}", root, value), (root.GetValue(value) ?? "").ToString());


This works fine, but it takes a good chunk of time (20 seconds on my PC). Is there a faster way to do this, or is this as good as it gets?


有大量的信息在注册表中,正如其他人在这里指出的 - 速度可能是一个问题。如果你想的注册表设置列表的树状视图为用户显示浏览,更好的解决方案可能是扫描顶层条目,再为用户浏览树,让您扫描的那些子值/设置树节点被打开。

There's a lot of information in the registry and as others have noted here - speed can be an issue. If you want a list of registry settings to display in a tree-like view for the user to browse through, a better solution might be to scan the top level entries first, then as the user navigates through the tree, so you scan for those child values/settings as the tree node is opening.


I suspect this is how Microsoft's own regedit works.


