由网友(好男人。光芒四射。)分享简介:如果我有一个标题栏和第3位的列(F1,F2,F3)含有1个或空表,如何将我写的LINQ到与包含各1位列数返回标题?我在寻找这个SQL查询是等效的:If I have a table with a title column and 3 bit columns (f1, f2, f3) that contain eith...


If I have a table with a title column and 3 bit columns (f1, f2, f3) that contain either 1 or NULL, how would I write the LINQ to return the title with the count of each bit column that contains 1? I'm looking for the equivalent of this SQL query:

SELECT title, COUNT(f1), COUNT(f2), COUNT(f3) FROM myTable GROUP BY title


I'm looking for the "best" way to do it. The version I came up with dips into the table 4 times when you look at the underlying SQL, so it's too slow.


下面是我想出了一个解决方案。需要注意的是它靠近提出@ OdeTo code(但在VB语法)的解决方案,有一个重要的区别:

Here's the solution I came up with. Note that it's close to the solution proposed by @OdeToCode (but in VB syntax), with one major difference:

Dim temp = _
    (From t In context.MyTable _
     Group t.f1, t.f2, t.f3 By t.title Into g = Group _
     Select title, g).ToList

Dim results = _
    From t In temp _
    Select t.title, _
        f1_count = t.g.Count(Function(x) If(x.f1, False)), _
        f2_count = t.g.Count(Function(x) If(x.f2, False)), _
        f3_count = t.g.Count(Function(x) If(x.f3, False))


The first query does the grouping, but the ToList gets the grouped data as-is from the server. Eliminating the counting here keeps the resulting SQL statement from producing sub-SELECTs for each count. I do the counting in the second query locally.


This works since I know the first query will return a manageable number of rows. If it were returning millions of rows, I'd probably have to go in another direction.


