迭代Silverlight 4中使用ComAutomationFactory Word文档域迭代、文档、ComAutomationFactory、Silverlight

由网友(骚年求逆推i)分享简介:更新:这是在Silverlight 4 beta中已确认的错误。的http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=523052Update: This is a confirmed bug in Silv...

更新:这是在Silverlight 4 beta中已确认的错误。的http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=523052

Update: This is a confirmed bug in Silverlight 4 beta. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=523052


I solved this issue by switching to a full blown WPF application and using regular old Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. But I'm still very interested in how to get this to work using the dynamic values from ComAutomationFactory.


This may be more of a C# 4.0 question, but what I'm trying to do is leverage the ComAutomationFactory class in a trusted SL4 app to load up a Word doc, change some text, and print it.


Using a regular windows app, it's pretty easy:

  Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    Object oTrue = true;
    Object oFalse = false;

    Application oWord = new Application();
    Document oWordDoc = new Document();

    oWord.Visible = false;

    object oTemplatePath = "C:UsersjwestDesktopDocumentTemplate.dotx";
    oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oTemplatePath, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);

    foreach (Field myMergeField in oWordDoc.Fields)


However, in SL4 you have to use the dynamic keyword. It works fine until I try to iterate over my fields:

    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    Object oTrue = true;
    Object oFalse = false;

    dynamic oWord = ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject("Word.Application");

    oWord.Visible = false;

    object oTemplatePath = "C:UsersjwestDesktopDocumentTemplate.dotx";
    dynamic oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oTemplatePath, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
    dynamic fields = oWordDoc.Fields;

    foreach (var myMergeField in fields)

在这种情况下,我得到一个运行时错误说我不能隐式ComAutomationMetaObjectProvider转换为IEnumerable的。无论我做什么,与我的Word COM对象的任何属性的类型ComAutomationMetaObjectProvider的,我不能在它们之间迭代。

In which case I get a runtime error saying that I cannot implicitly convert a ComAutomationMetaObjectProvider to IEnumerable. No matter what I do, any properties related to my Word com object are of type ComAutomationMetaObjectProvider and I cannot iterate over them.


It has been mentioned that I should try getting the field as a String from a member.

        for (int i = 0; i < oWordDoc.Fields.Count; i++)
            String field = oWordDoc.Fields.Item[i].Result.Text;


This results in an interesting exception of: HRESULT: 0x800A16E6 which when Googled, brings up absolutely nothing.


这当然不是一个C#的问题 - VB.NET有同样的问题。可能出现了不记录在这里的错误或什么的,但在这两种情况下,这似乎是不可能申报集合对象。

It certainly isn't a C# issue - VB.NET has the same issue. There is either a bug here or something not documented, but in either case, it seems impossible to declare collection objects.

周围有这样的另一种方式但是,它是访问集合的单个成员。下面是一个示例(在VB.NET),使您可以通过 Fields.Item 遍历。 (没有错误检查或关闭字在这里倒;我.DOTX有两个字段 - 1)日期; 2)作者)

There is another way around this however, it is to access the individual members of the collection. Here's a sample (in VB.NET) that allows you to iterate through via Fields.Item. (no error checking or shutting down of Word here; my .dotx has two fields - 1) date and 2) author).

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim wrd As Object = ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Dim path As String = "C:Usersmetest.dotx"
    Dim wordDoc As Object = wrd.Documents.Add(path)
    Dim fieldsCount As Integer = wordDoc.Fields.Count
    Dim fieldResults As String = Nothing
    For i As Integer = 1 To fieldsCount
        fieldResults = fieldResults & " " & wordDoc.Fields.Item(i).Result.Text & vbNewLine
    TextBox1.Text = "Field Results: " & fieldResults
End Sub

