处理OpenXML / EPPlus - 在.NET中创建PivotCacheEPPlus、OpenXML、PivotCache、NET

由网友(你笑起来真丑)分享简介:我希望这能帮助我,至少,回答了2个问题,我问here,但我期待如何在EPPlus / OpenXML的创建PivotCache并不能找到任何在线/在他们的文件资料,介绍如何做到这一点。I'm hoping this could help me, at least, answer one of the 2 questi...

我希望这能帮助我,至少,回答了2个问题,我问here,但我期待如何在EPPlus / OpenXML的创建PivotCache并不能找到任何在线/在他们的文件资料,介绍如何做到这一点。

I'm hoping this could help me, at least, answer one of the 2 questions I asked here, but I am looking how to create a PivotCache in EPPlus / OpenXML and can't find anything online / in their documentation that shows how to do it.

所以,suposing我有一个Excel工作表, wksRawData 在EPPlus创造,我想创建第二个表与基于透视表缓存数据透视表 wksRawData.Cells(wksRawData.Dimension.Address) - 在这种话,我可以删除wksRawData但仍保持数据透视表的希望。我将如何做呢?

So, suposing I have one Excel sheet, wksRawData created in EPPlus and I want to create a second sheet with a pivot table based upon the pivot cache of wksRawData.Cells(wksRawData.Dimension.Address) - In the hopes that then I could delete wksRawData but still keep the pivot table. How would I do that?


So far, my code for creating the pivot table in my second worksheet is:

  Dim wksRawData As ExcelWorksheet = wbk.Worksheets("Raw Data")
  Dim wksPvtTbl As ExcelWorksheet = wbk.Worksheets("PivotTbl")

 ' Insert the Pivot Table to the sheet
 Dim DataRange As ExcelRange = wksRawData.Cells(wksRawData.Dimension.Address)

 Dim pvtTable As OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.ExcelPivotTable = wksPvtTbl.PivotTables.Add(wksPvtTbl.Cells("B4"), DataRange, "MyPivotTable")

 pvtTable.Compact = True
 pvtTable.CompactData = True
 pvtTable.Outline = True
 pvtTable.OutlineData = True
 pvtTable.ShowHeaders = True
 pvtTable.UseAutoFormatting = True
 pvtTable.ApplyWidthHeightFormats = True
 pvtTable.ShowDrill = True
 pvtTable.RowHeaderCaption = "Caption"

 ' Set the top field
 Dim r1 As OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.ExcelPivotTableField = pvtTable.Fields("FirstField")
 r1.Sort = OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.eSortType.Ascending

 ' Set the second field
 Dim r2 As OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.ExcelPivotTableField = pvtTable.Fields("SecondField")
 r2.Sort = OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.eSortType.Ascending
 r2.ShowAll = False

 ' Set the DataField
 Dim df1 As OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.ExcelPivotTableField = pvtTable.Fields("DataField")
 df1.SubTotalFunctions = OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable.eSubTotalFunctions.Sum

请,在此任何和所有帮助或其他问题,真的会AP preciated - 无论是在C#或VB,EPPlus或OpenXML的 - 我只需要得到这个工作!

PLEASE, any and all help on this or the other question would REALLY be appreciated - Whether it be in C# or VB, EPPlus or OpenXML - I just need to get this working!!!



我相信你想从另一个工作表添加数据。我在你的其他线程后显示满code EPPlus透视表 - 关闭整场

I belive you want to add data from another sheet. My post in your other thread shows full code EPPlus Pivot Table - Collapse entire field

var pt = wsPivot1.PivotTables.Add(wsPivot1.Cells["A1"], ws.Cells["K1:N11"], "Pivottable1");


calling "PivoTables.Add()" see tool tip below.

// Summary:
//     Create a pivottable on the supplied range
// Parameters:
//   Range:
//     The range address including header and total row
//   Source:
//     The Source data range address
//   Name:
//     The name of the table. Must be unique
// Returns:
//     The pivottable object