


What are my options for playing simultaneous audio on an Android device with the least amount of latency? Am I going to get anything half decent out of the canned SDK, or is that asking too much? The documentation claims that the SoundPool class is capable of playing multiple sounds simultaneously with relatively good performance, but after running some tests in the emulator and on a physical device it seems pretty weak. Is there maybe a trick to it, or do I have to go to a much lower level api for this kind of thing? I've tried using a single sound pool with multiple samples loaded, and I've tried multiple sound pools each managing a single sample. I'm preloading everything, so that when I attempt to play back I have no additional code being executed other than the call to SoundPool.play().



A number of people are interested in low-latency audio on Andriod. Here are the threads I'm following on the topic:

系统波涵盖音频相关的话题从今年的I / O发布会。 在一个Android 问题有关的低延迟音频支持NDK的。 A wave covering audio related topics from this year's I/O conference. An Android issue about support for low latency audio in the NDK.

这post表明,Android设备具有ALSA驱动(能够低延迟音频) - 但似乎低延迟功能不暴露于经由NDK的应用程序。

This post suggests that Android devices have ALSA drivers (capable of low-latency audio)--but it seems that low-latency functionality isn't exposed to apps via the NDK.

我已经与Android没有直接的经验,但是从我读过,低延迟(小于< 10毫秒左右)不能成为现实呢。请张贴任何经验,与此相反的!

I have no direct experience with Android, but from what I've read, low-latency (less than <10ms or so) isn't a reality yet. Please post any experience to the contrary!


