C#正则表达式:如何提取$ 1,$ 2个变量来自比赛变量、正则表达式

由网友(扑倒BAEK HYUN.)分享简介:目前.NET使用自己的非标准捕获组命名规则是一只狗。我想,以使标准使用$ 1,$ 2捕获组在C#。 Currently .NET uses their own nonstandard capturing group naming convention which is a dog.I would like to...

目前.NET使用自己的非标准捕获组命名规则是一只狗。 我想,以使标准使用$ 1,$ 2捕获组在C#。

Currently .NET uses their own nonstandard capturing group naming convention which is a dog. I would like to enable the standard use of $1, $2 capture groups in C#.


Is their any way of doing it, or if not, is their any thirdparty regexp engines available for use, which do implement that kind of functionality.


这不是100%清楚你在找什么,但它听起来就像你想要得到的值给定组中的匹配常规的前$的能力p $ pssion。这是绝对有可能在C#(和.NET一般)。

It's not 100% clear what you're looking for but it sounds like you want the ability to get the value for a given group in a matched regular expression. This is definitely possible in C# (and .Net in general).


var regex = new Regex(@"(a+)(d+)");
var match = regex.Match("a42");
Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[1].Value); // Prints a
Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[2].Value); // Prints 42


While I don't use Mono regularly, I would be very surprised if this didn't work there as well.


