
由网友(安於命)分享简介:我打算开发一个手机应用程序(我的第一个),用于多种操作系统(包括Android,IOS,WindowsPhone的) - 在野外互联网,我发现了一个名为PhoneGap的框架,作为一种可能性的解决方案,以尽量减少发展进程。我理解的优势PhoneGap的有 - 也没有找到真正的缺点...1)。因此,问题是为什么我不使用...

我打算开发一个手机应用程序(我的第一个),用于多种操作系统(包括Android,IOS,WindowsPhone的) - 在野外互联网,我发现了一个名为PhoneGap的框架,作为一种可能性的解决方案,以尽量减少发展进程。 我理解的优势PhoneGap的有 - 也没有找到真正的缺点... 1)。因此,问题是为什么我不使用PhoneGap的?

I am planning to develop an mobile app (my first one) for multiple operation systems (including Android, IOS, WindowsPhone) - in the wild internet I found a framework called phonegap, as a possibility solution to minimize the development process. I understand the advantages phonegap has - but could not find real downsides... 1.) So the question is why should I not use phonegap?


2.) Is phonegap only slower, because it is wrapped inside the OS, if yes how much slower? I mean can you really tell the differentce between a native app and phonegap, or is only slower when you need hardware acceleration e.g. for gaming?


A few more informations about the project. Currently I have several '.Net' services and provider, communicating via WCF. The App should be able to receive and send video streams and audio data from and to a service, such as a provider would do.




All cross-platform frameworks (including HTML) generally share the same advantages and disadvantages.




在它的工作方式往往并不美妙。 在性能上比原生实现普遍较低。 部分也有自己的期待的地方自己的小工具集。 由于各个平台的怪癖,你还是要考无处不在。 您拿到最低公分母访问功能。当支持本机的功能,通常你只能访问它以一种方式:便携式框架的方式。有时候这是不符合目标平台的preferred方式。 在您可以访问功能,唯一的目标平台的情况下,你将失去运行无处不在的便携性。 在每一个所谓的跨平台的框架是在自己的权利的平台。见上文所提到的怪癖:而不必知道ñ平台现在,你必须知道的N + 1


For best results targeting multiple platforms, I recommend the following:

设计您核心逻辑干净,具有良好定义的API(不使用任何UI的部分)。让它一般足以轻而易举地环境之间移植。 (是的SQLite真正目标C与Java的不同?)

Design your core logic (the part that doesn't use any UI) cleanly, with a well-defined API. Make it general enough to be fairly easily ported between environments. (Is SQLite really that different in Objective C vs. Java?)

设计您的用户界面下你的目标平台的最佳实践,使它看起来不错(与配合的)上的每一个。 (对于Android,请参见 http://developer.android.com/design )必须通过API的核心逻辑的UI交互你创建的。

Design your UI following the best practices of your target platforms so that it looks great (and fits in) on each one. (For Android, see http://developer.android.com/design) Have the UI interact with the core logic via the API you created.


