
由网友(大可爱)分享简介:相关阅读:Is " System.Speech.Recognition"在单一框架可用空间? 我知道,System.Speech命名空间是根据本链接,但我不知道如何使用MonoDevelop的访问它。当我尝试添加在项目>编辑参考引用了命名空间,Sy​​stem.Speech是不存在。每当我尝试建立...

相关阅读:Is " System.Speech.Recognition"在单一框架可用空间?

我知道,System.Speech命名空间是根据本链接,但我不知道如何使用MonoDevelop的访问它。当我尝试添加在项目>编辑参考引用了命名空间,Sy​​stem.Speech是不存在。每当我尝试建立与关键字使用System.Speech 我给出的错误:

I'm aware that the System.Speech namespace is available in mono according to this link but I'm not sure how to access it using MonoDevelop. When I try to add a reference to the namespace under Projects > Edit References, System.Speech is just not there. Whenever I try to build with the keyword using System.Speech I'm given the error:

Error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Speech' does not exist in the namespace `System'. Are you missing an assembly reference? (CS0234) (Assembly-CSharp).

我在运行OSX但我在IM pression的Mono是一个全面实施的.NET Framework,所以我应该能够访问它,因为我可以访问其他.NET库。

I'm running OSX but I'm under the impression that mono is a full implementation of the .NET framework so I should be able to access it, since I can access other .NET libraries.

任何帮助将是AP preciated !!

Any help would be appreciated!!




的第一列是用于.NET 4.0 VS .NET 4.5,这纯粹是微软的东西的比较。因此,System.Speech被列出。

The first column is for .NET 4.0 vs .NET 4.5, which is purely the comparison of Microsoft's stuffs. Thus, System.Speech is listed there.


You can see that when Mono's stuffs are compared to Microsoft's, System.Speech is not listed.

这只是表明单还没有攻击这一领域,而这是有意义的。 System.Speech在很大程度上依赖于微软Windows平台在微软的语音引擎,其中单是不容易在其他平台上复制。

That simply indicates Mono does not yet attack in this area, and which is meaningful. System.Speech heavily relies on Microsoft's speech engine inside Microsoft Windows platforms, which Mono is not easy to clone on other platforms.


