
由网友(总是看不惯你)分享简介:我的数据插入到同一模式的多个数据库。在多个数据库性能方面的原因存在。 I have data being inserted into multiple databases with the same schema. The multiple databases exist for performance reason...


I have data being inserted into multiple databases with the same schema. The multiple databases exist for performance reasons.


I need to create a WCF service that a client can use to query the databases. However from the client's point of view, there is only 1 database. By this I mean when a client performs a query, it should query all databases and return the combined results.


I also need to provide the flexibility for the client to define its own queries. Therefore I am looking into WCF Data Services, which provides the very nice functionality for client specified queries.


So far, it seems that a DataService can only make a query to a single database. I found no override that would allow me to dispatch queries to multiple databases.


Does anyone know if it is possible for a WCF Data Service to query against multiple databases with the same schema?



I posted the question on the MSDN forums and found out that it will require a lot of effort.


It involves creating your own data service provider, which is tricky and can be a lot of work. On top of that merging results with sorting + paging will be a task that is far too complicated and risky for what I am willing to do. For example, how do I query multiple databases for page 1000 sorted by the Name column? I would essentially have to query all data from all databases, sort by Name, then select the 1000th page.


