86 DLL的作品,但不是64位的DLL不是、作品、DLL

由网友(痞子绅士)分享简介:我想包括 System.Data.SQLite 与我的项目是codeD在C#和使用的.NET Framework 4版。我有点糊涂了......我运行Windows 8.1 x64和目标平台为项目设置为任何CPU 。如果我有 System.Data.SQLite.dll 的x64版本的话,我得到一个错误说的类型或命名空...

我想包括 System.Data.SQLite 与我的项目是codeD在C#和使用的.NET Framework 4版。我有点糊涂了......我运行Windows 8.1 x64和目标平台为项目设置为任何CPU 。如果我有 System.Data.SQLite.dll 的x64版本的话,我得到一个错误说的类型或命名空间名称SQLite的'不存在在命名空间System.Data这'(是否缺少程序集引用?)。不过,如果我包括 86 版本 System.Data.SQLite.dll 那么它编译罚款。难道不应该是周围的其他方式(不应该在x86版本无法编译)?由于x86版本的作品,那么我可以只包括x86版本的编译后的项目?如果我需要既包括x86和x64版本 System.Data.SQLite.dll (以及 SQLite.Interop.dll ),那么怎么可能我去这样做?我还应该注意到 System.Data.SQLite 的版本是v1.0.94.0(并且是.NET Framework 4的)。

I'm trying to include System.Data.SQLite with my project which is coded in C# and uses .NET Framework v4. I'm a little confused... I'm running Windows 8.1 x64 and the platform target for the project is set to Any CPU. If I include the x64 version of System.Data.SQLite.dll then I get an error saying The type or namespace name 'SQLite' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?). However, if I include the x86 version of System.Data.SQLite.dll then it compiles fine. Shouldn't it be the other way around (shouldn't the x86 version not compile)? Since the x86 version works, then can I include just the x86 version with the compiled project? If I need to include both the x86 and x64 version of System.Data.SQLite.dll (as well as SQLite.Interop.dll) then how might I go about doing that? I should also note the version of System.Data.SQLite is v1.0.94.0 (and is for .NET Framework 4).



Unless you need the x64 version you can include just the x86 version and build your project as x86. This is safe for most projects, unless you need the 64-bit address space.


You should use AnyCPU only when your app is purely managed and doesn't have any dependencies on a specific architecture. When using native code such as SQLite the app should always set the specific platform target.

SQLite的x86版本的作品,而不是64位的原因是,在现代版本的Visual Studio的值为anycpu配置默认为/平台:anycpu32bit preferred而非/平台:值为anycpu。随着anycpu32bit preferred应用程序将使用32位模式,如果可能的话,将使用64位模式下只有32位模式下无法使用。

The reason the x86 version of SQLite works rather than the x64 is that in modern versions of Visual Studio the AnyCPU configuration defaults to /platform:anycpu32bitpreferred rather than to /platform:anycpu. With anycpu32bitpreferred the app will use 32-bit mode if possible and will use 64-bit mode only if 32-bit mode is not available.


