IBM工作灯5.0.6 - 如何添加一个启动画面到Android环境?画面、环境、工作灯、IBM

由网友(鮟嘫)分享简介:我现在面临的一个问题,而试图添加启动screenin的Andr​​oid。下面是code我用I am facing an issue while trying to add a splash screenin Android.Below is the code I usedpublic void onCreat...

我现在面临的一个问题,而试图添加启动screenin的Andr​​oid。 下面是code我用

I am facing an issue while trying to add a splash screenin Android. Below is the code I used

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
    super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.splash);
    super.loadUrl(getWebMainFilePath(), 5000);


I see the splash image, but then after few minutes I get a blank screen and the app crashes.


在使用工作灯,可以显示onWLInitCompleted方法闪屏和方法保留的onCreate为默认值。 下面就的Nexus 4,的Andr​​iod 4.2.2。code测试

When using Worklight, you can show splash screen in onWLInitCompleted method and leave onCreate method as default. Below code test on Nexus 4, Andriod 4.2.2.

public void onWLInitCompleted(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // set splash screen image
    super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.logo_image);
    // Set skin name to skip load skinLoader.html if you have no customized skin.
    // This will fix the splash screen flicker on some Android devices when the App first time running.
    WLUtils.writeWLPref(getContext(), "wlSkinName", "default");
    WLUtils.writeWLPref(getContext(), "exitOnSkinLoader", "true");
    // show splash screen 3 seconds
    super.loadUrl(getWebMainFilePath(), 3000);

