三星Galaxy S2 2.3.5+没有要求overScrollBy()Galaxy、overScrollBy

由网友(偏执怪)分享简介:好像三星禁止其overscroll(可能是由于苹果的诉讼)。Seems like Samsung disabled their overscroll (probably due to an Apple suit).我有一个扩展滚动型和重写protected boolean overScrollBy(int delt...


Seems like Samsung disabled their overscroll (probably due to an Apple suit).


    protected boolean overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY, int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY,int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY, boolean isTouchEvent)
     return super.overScrollBy(deltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, 0, metrics.widthPixels,isTouchEvent);

在所有其他设备(姜饼及以上课程), overScrollBy 正在当滚动到达它到底叫什么,用户实际上可以overscroll的观点)。

On every other device (Gingerbread and up of course), overScrollBy is being called when the scroller reaches it's end, and the user can actually overscroll the view).

在Android 2.3.5+三星已经实现了某种机制,禁用overscroll完全(不只是他们的overscroll实施,也Android的实现),以及每一个用户试图overscroll的时候,下面的LogCat中的事件正在打印:

On Android 2.3.5+ Samsung have Implemented some kind of mechanism that disables overscroll completely (not just their overscroll implementation, but also Android's implementation), and every time a user tries to overscroll, the following LogCat event is being printed:

02-13 16:02:34.230: D/BounceScrollRunnableDefault(15783): run(), TimeFraction=0.5225, mBounceExtent=7.273352


Is there any way to unlock what Samsung did there? Or maybe another way to create an overscroller?


问题解决了,我已经创建了自己的OverScrollView,欢迎您使用它。 https://github.com/EverythingMe/OverScrollView

Problem solved, I have created my own OverScrollView, you are welcome to use it. https://github.com/EverythingMe/OverScrollView


